Putin Gets It–And So Does Will Schryver – by Mark Wauck

June 24 | Posted by mrossol | American Thought, History, Politically correct, Ruling Class, Russia, Western Civilization

Will Schryver this morning posted a great follow-up to our recent post about the purported awakening of our rulers to the reality of the Anglo-Zionist empire’s decline: Ruling Class Finally Awakens to the Reality of America’s Decline In that post I referenced Putin three times:

Source: Putin Gets It–And So Does Will Schryver – by Mark Wauck

Will Schryver this morning posted a great follow-up to our recent post about the purported awakening of our rulers to the reality of the Anglo-Zionist empire’s decline:

Ruling Class Finally Awakens to the Reality of America’s Decline

In that post I referenced Putin three times:

… culturally, the West has embraced Nihilism, as Putin recognizes.

Putin and Xi and sensible leaders are seeking a return to the order of tradition, away from “Western” nihilism.

The key to recovery for the West is a return to law, but that can only be convincingly accomplished by a return to the divine order. That, of course, is what Putin is attempting in Russia, …

Schryver provides the key text from a Putin address. Putin gets it. “Christian values … constitute the basis of Western civilization.” That proposition is historically indisputable, although the reality—as always in history—involves other complexities. Equally indisputable is Putin’s further statement: “Without the values embedded in Christianity and other world religions, without the standards of morality that have taken shape over millennia, people will inevitably lost their human dignity.” This is also the thesis advanced by C. S. Lewis in his prophetic and prescient The Abolition of Man. We see this working out of Enlightenment ideology everywhere around us today. Can the West recover its identity? If it doesn’t the downward slope of the slippery slide to cultural—and even existential—oblivion yawns before us:

Will Schryver @imetatronink

How does one become the arch-enemy of the elite thought-shapers of 21st century western civilization? By saying things like this:


8:19 AM · Mar 2, 2022

I liked very much Will’s response to the typical comment of brainwashed post-Western ideologues:

Pilloo_Reporter @PillooReporter

This glorification of christianity is what makes the rise of Russia worrisome. In the name of Bible is what started colonialism in the first place.

Will Schryver @imetatronink

Widely parroted ahistorical nonsense.

Alex Irvin @alexirvin


Will Schryver @imetatronink

Yep. And boldly unashamed of it.

One of the great ironies of history is seen by juxtaposing the radical moral pole-change between Russia and America over the course of the past few decades.

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