Whither America? Now What?

June 28 | Posted by mrossol | American Thought, Biden, Censorship, Crazy, Democrat Party, Liberal Press, Ruling Class, The Left, Transparency[non]

A lot I agree with in this piece, but not all.  I agree that this has been planned for a long time.  A plan to throw Biden under the bus. But I am not so sure they have a solid second-down play.  (They certainly haven’t had one in Ukraine, Israel, nor with keeping China-Russia at odds.  The Neocons pulling the strings are amateurs; and they were on full display last night. If you think 2024 has been a bit out of control so far, I don’t think we have seen anything yet. mrossol

Source: Whither America? – by Mark Wauck – Meaning In History

America has come a long way since 2016. For many of us it’s been a Great Awakening. The roots of it go back decades, arguable even further. But consider just some of the events since 2016, all orchestrated by the Anglo-Zionist ruling class:

Two hoax impeachments

A hoax election

A hoax insurrection …

… followed by a months long military occupation of the Imperial City

Outrageous weaponization of the federal criminal system against ordinary Americans …

… and also a president.

Years of hoax lawfare against Trump

America led into a major war against Russia, without the semblance of constitutional process.

America complicit in genocide at the demand of the Israel Lobby

Did it all crash and burn last night?

Chay Bowes @BowesChay

They said a Demented, clearly delusional old man was on “top of his game”

They told you Ukraine is a blameless Democracy, Russia and China are your enemies, and massacring 16,000 children is “self-defence.”

“Careers” built on lies, Wars built on lies, An empire of lies.

It’s too early to say, but right now the Ruling Class must be thanking God that the SCOTUS made it clear this week that We the People get no say in the FBI pressuring social media to “self censor”. Because things could get very messy indeed going forward. The whole world is watching this imperial meltdown in amazement. Well, except for Putin, who “snored through Biden debate disaster”, according to reliable Kremlin sources.


Of course, the MSM wants you to think that they’re all freaking out because they finally realized how out of it Zhou really is. That’s not what’s going on. Zhou’s public humiliation was fully anticipated:

Geiger Capital @Geiger_Capital

They launched a coup.

They moved up the debate to the earliest date in history and threw Biden under the bus…

They wanted time to swap him out.

Rod D. Martin @RodDMartin

Thing we know:

1. The insiders knew Biden was like this.

2. They didn’t have to agree to any debate at all. They certainly didn’t have to propose and show up for the earliest debate in history.

3. So they humiliated Biden deliberately, but only after the primary voters get no say, yet early enough pre-Convention for the insiders to pick his successor before the fall campaign.

This has been the plan for a long, long time.

10:29 PM · Jun 27, 2024

But that doesn’t tell the whole story either, because things are more complicated than that—especially thanks to the presence of VP Kama Sutra. Let’s consider two scenarios.

First, Zhou is removed from the Dem ticket, whether by resignation or outright removal by the 25th Amendment. As I explained earlier this morning, my belief is that the 25th can be made to work. The problem is that Kama Sutra steps into the Oval Office, and the Anglo-Zionist Empire faces multiple wars around the world, some of which threaten to go nuclear. Everybody knows that Kama Sutra is not now and never will be up to the job. A lot of stuff can hit the fan in four months—and that’s something that I might be willing to bet on happening.

Well, how about a VP as a minder? Not so simple. VPs don’t get appointed in this scenario. They have to be elected by majority vote in both the House and the Senate. Naturally, the Uniparty could agree on a VP, but that would involve a political consensus that, even given the depths of skullduggery we’ve witnessed since 2016, could prove difficult to achieve. After all, this is an election year and each party needs to satisfy their base. Electing a VP to keep a close eye on Kama Sutra can only happen with GOP support. It’s true that the GOPers sacrificed their hold on the Oval Office once, but would they do it again? Or would they drive a hard bargain this time around?

A consensus VP that GOPers could support against Trump would be the ideal solution for the Ruling Class, but might not be easy. Who might that be? Presumably someone who has made aliyah, kissed the ring of power. But that could be almost any politician. Even newcomers to DC would qualify:

Michael Tracey @mtracey

Jun 25

JD Vance performs the customary US political ritual of having a photoshoot at the Western Wall in July 2022, as he ramped up his Senate campaign


And there’s the further problem of unseemly appearances. The Dems screwed their base in the primaries to get Zhou to this point. Even in the best case scenario—Zhou leaves, Kama Sutra agrees not to seek the nomination, a consensus VP is put on the Dem ticket with the promise of getting the nod—how will the American public react to this? Wouldn’t this amount to an acknowledgement that Zhou had never really been acting POTUS to begin with, that the whole thing had been a charade, a fraud perpetrated on the American people by Turtle McConnell and Bluto Barr? It seems to me that this could call the very legitimacy of the federal government into question with a broad swath of the American public of all political persuasions. The perception of Ruling Class manipulation would be too clear. And if Trump lost, who would believe that the election was legit?

High stakes here.

The alternative scenario is to get Zhou to renounce the nomination, but agree to spend some time in the Oval Office—when he’s not in Delaware. That gets around the sticky VP problem, but it doesn’t resolve the legitimacy issue. Jon. Turley maintains:

None of this means that Biden is now mentally incapable of performing the functions of the presidency. One can have diminished capacity but still be functional. The 25th Amendment is not designed for close calls.

Perhaps Turley has an argument, from a technical legal standpoint. I doubt that will cut the mustard with the general public. Many will still want to know, What’s been going on for the past four years, who’s actually been in charge, how can we trust that we’re not going to be subjected to another shell game of some sort? We could see an increasingly restive and distrustful populace.

Not only is that not very satisfactory for average Americans, but what about foreign leaders? Who will be making the decisions on foreign policy? Is it possible that Netanyahu will prolong his scheduled visit to lecture Congress and assume an adviser role in the White House? Or maybe present his candidate for that consensus VP—a dual citizen, like Amos Hochstein? If America reaches a SHTF moment and finds itself rudderless, there could be hell to pay.

One way or another, it’s hard to escape the distinct impression that the legitimacy of the regime will be called into question. It’s true that nations are often more resilient than one expects, but it’s hard to be optimistic. Or even to gloat:

Michael Tracey @mtracey

The biggest question tonight will be whether the candidates support Israel. We’ve all been waiting for some much-needed clarity on that topic

Michael Tracey @mtracey 

BASH: Are Putin’s terms acceptable to you, keeping the territory in Ukraine?

TRUMP: No, they’re not acceptable. No, they’re not acceptable.

So does this mean that Trump’s secret plan to magically solve the war in 24 hours involves refusing any territorial concessions to Russia?

Biden: “We saved Israel”

Trump: “You’re a Palestinian”

That exchange was an international humiliation

Because all anyone’s focused on is Biden’s glaring ineptitude — understandably — Trump as usual gets away with no real scrutiny of his own garbled policy statements. For instance, Trump demanded that Biden let Israel attack Gaza (and presumably Lebanon?) even more aggressively

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