If You Think You Know How Bad The Invasion Of America Is – Think Again!

June 30 | Posted by mrossol | American Thought, Biden, Illegal Aliens, NSA

I fear for the security and future of America. The left, Democrats and Never-Trumpers equally share blame.  mrossol

Source: If You Think You Know How Bad The Invasion Of America Is – Think Again!

I’ve written extensively on our border crisis, or better put, our border emergency…specifically our southern border. I’m running out of ways to try and convey to people just how dire this situation really is.

Simply put…We Are Being Replaced And This Is Being Done Intentionally!!!

Alex Jones interviewed JJ Carrell on the 27th and I’ve uploaded that interview as my cover video.

America is in dire trouble in so many ways and that is the understatement of the year. Pray!

Cover video link:

BREAKING: DHS Whistleblower Exposes Biden’s Construction Of Internment Camps For Americans And Massive Child Sex Trafficking Rings

The Alex Jones Show Jun 27, 2024

J.J. Carrell joins Alex Jones live to detail the bombshell information laid out in his new documentary, “What Is Treason?”

All four trailers from JJ Carrell’s and Ryan Matta’s Documentary “What Is Treason?”.

Follow JJ Carrell on X. Follow Ryan Matta on X.

Alpha Warrior interviewed JJ Carrell on the 18th (America On The Brink Of Destruction with JJ Carrell) and they break down the real numbers concerning just how many invaders have infiltrated our country under Biden. It is a shocking interview, to say the least. This is a must-see video and I promise you that I am not hyping this up.

Please click the link below to watch Alpha Warrior’s interview with JJ Carrell. They cover the real numbers of invaders that have flooded the nation and more.

It’s a shocking interview to watch…even for me!


AlphaWarrior Show Jun 18, 2024

INVADED – JJ Carrell

J.J. Carrell is a speaker and the author of INVADED: The Intentional Destruction of the American Immigration System

J.J. Carrell is a speaker and the author of INVADED: The Intentional Destruction of the American Immigration System.

Carrell uses his 24-year career in the United States Border Patrol as a Journeyman Agent to a Deputy Patrol Agent in Charge to expose the who, why and how this treason is being perpetrated against our great nation. Carrell has been a guest on several nationally syndicated radio shows and television networks.  He has become the expert on border issues and the criminal acts by Biden, his administration, and the DHS machine. Carrell is unafraid to speak the truth and he is
unapologetically patriotic.

The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction!

You Want The Truth, You Can’t Handle The Truth!

There Are None So Blind As Those Who “Will – Not” To See!

You Can’t Wake Up – If You Don’t Know That You Are Asleep!


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