Inside the Profoundly Banal, Deeply Ignorant, Petulant-Child Mind of America’s “Chief Censor”

July 1 | Posted by mrossol | 1st Amendment, American Thought, Big Govt, Censorship, Intelligence Services

The Cold Dead Hand of the National Security State is not Dead Enough. Yet.

Source: Inside the Profoundly Banal, Deeply Ignorant, Petulant-Child Mind of America’s “Chief Censor”

“Left-wing people don’t want to be in a place where right-wing people are allowed to speak.” Mike Solana

In the country from which all Anglo culture flows, there are persistent rumors that Princess Catherine is now a clone, the real person having been murdered, either as a blood sacrifice, or because her husband, Prince William, who is now thought to be a violent, spoiled brat, beat her up, and put her into a coma, and then she died and now she is a clone. It takes six months to build a clone, apparently, and it is done at MI6. Every photo and report of Catherine is greeted with a storm of disbelief and close analysis. Then last week, a note appeared, apparently passed across the table in a restaurant on Kensington High Street by Catherine to Diana’s favorite psychic, a woman named Catherine Fitzgerald, just before the princess disappeared at Christmas:

Another note was passed to an entertainer, a magician, just before Christmas, and this one just read, ‘help”.

This is what happens before a world-view shifts. Chaos. We are living through wholesale distrust of every institution, and it even involves the oldest institution most of us in the English-speaking world know, the British royals. Rumors are rife of Satanism, of blood sacrifice, involving even the late Queen.

Politically, Charles is thought to have styled himself King of the World, as in the New World Order. In point of actual fact, he has gathered the funds of allof the faiths under his wing, and has pointed them towards “sustainability” and “climate change”, effectively triggering the destruction of the wealth of said churches and faiths. Poll after poll shows a wholesale rejection of New World Order values as “green” economies inevitably collapse. Charles is greeted everywhere with protests and signs shouting “NOT MY KING”.

No greater sign of the failure of the New World Order was its puppet, the doddering, mumbling, shrivelled idiot on stage with Trump Thursday night. The Dems, the Deep State, are on their last legs, their ideas not only a failure, but so hated that a plurality of us have awakened to just how malignant the puppet masters are. Their time is coming to an end.


Earlier this week in Canukistan, generally thought of as the most docile soft left population, in possibly the most Liberal riding in the country, a Conservative won. Trudeau’s time is almost over, his carbon tax/green regulation ideas seen as they are, a stupid, destructive cash grab by the rich. Trudeau is puppeted by the worst of the worst, the Laurentian elite, an extractive class that has predated Canada for 150 years, merged with Soros, the Rockefellers and the bloody CIA. Our entire government might fall in the next week, just as all over Europe those promoting a World Government, hard climate-based, de-development and mass surveillance are falling.


We are undergoing a massive massive shift of awareness. Which presages a whole new world, and frankly, right now, it’s unstoppable. And it is messy and is it ever crude. And funny, and forgive me, fun.

Luckily for us, in a lovely stripping of consequence and prestige, two weeks ago, a woman identified (probably unfairly) as the Biden regime’s chief censor, a CIA trained operative in fighting disinformation and seeding actual disinformation, found herself fired, published and embroiled in law suits from the people whose jobs and livelihoods she threatened.

And so we see just what claptrap fills the mind of the regime. The ‘Invisible Rulers’ in her title? Us, Substackers, podcasters, dissident media, people who read them and promote them. In a masterful and typical act of projection, we are the liars, we are the Invisible Rulers.


Renee DiResta describes herself as “young mom” who became worried about the lack of vaccination in her city – despite the fact that 80% of kids were vaccinated. “Measles!” she cried. “So dangerous! Everyone must submit!” Fighting the good fight against the charges of vaccine-caused autism and gender dysphoria, she attracted the attention of people at Stanford who were “worried” about the “flood” of disinformation out there. Mirabile Dictu she was appointed Director of Research at Stanford’s Internet Observatory.

Stanford is the locus of a lot of malignant anti-human research. Much of this work is buried, deeply, but it was from the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) that many of the CIA’s MKUltra sub-projects were managed. Including the introduction of LSD into both the intelligentsia (my senior academic cousins took acid with Owsley when they were at Berkeley), the rock and roll community in L.A., and San Francisco’s flower children. Out of SRI too came, it is believed and there is a lot of research pointing to this, Charles Manson. SRI programmed Manson in an attempt at a Manchurian Candidate, someone trained to kill, on a prompt, resulting in the Tate-LaBianca murders.

Mysterious deaths in Los Angeles hipster neighborhoods during the 1970’s point to several such experiments. MKUltra had 150 subprojects. Many emerged from Stanford. Almost none of them are documented fully and all were focused on mind control. I understand some of you think this is fantasy, but my mother was an MKUltra experimental subject, I am a plaintiff in two cases against the government, several have already gone through discovery, and been settled by the CIA and the Canadian government. We know everything about subproject 68, but there are 149 others about which we know little or nothing. And, it continues.

DiResta, rather than being just a “young mom”, had also worked in finance, and had, while in college, interned at the CIA. ’That’s nothing’, she says. ‘so what? I didn’t sign on.’ Honey, it sure looks like you did, because your work at SIO serves their agenda 100%.

Just as an aside, these days, the security state seems to put their most promising recruits into the money market to get them some cash-out money, so they can come back into government service with a house and an already funded retirement account. Just like all the Black Americans involved in prosecuting Trump have miraculous real estate deals worth millions fall into their laps, despite working in government their entire lives. This is clever, albeit obvious.

DiResta gives us ignorant sheep a precis of the propaganda literature, written in the way a young grad student (or CIA recruit) would write it, pedestrian, obvious, interminable, attempting to justify all governments attempts to censor speech and gather all speech under a wonderful collective umbrella where some speech is deemed good for the collective, and some speech is not. For our own good. How are we to get there, while acknowledging free speech, she asks.

Answer: by identifying hurtful speech, speech which leads to violence, she answers. We have tools. Socials have tools at their disposal and more are coming on line every day. So exciting to be her!

And then she moves on to the current not-good speech. These are her categories:

The Stolen Election. WHICH WAS NOT STOLEN.


And, of course, RUSSIA hates us, has invaded our dissident media and corrupted it.


Honestly, could this be more banal?

After asserting, with no evidence, that these regime truths are truths, she then moves onto the people selling lies. She chooses the most grotesque and silly on the populist right, and pushes them forward as representative. (Whoever greenlit this book should be fired.) She then chooses people who used to write from the left: Matt Taibbi, Michael Shellenberger and Naomi Wolf, misrepresents their work, slanders them, and attempts to make them seem foolish and careerist. She mocks Substack (where her own essays receive miniscule readership), and generally attempts to use the same tropes the right favors in order to mock the right, right back. This is playground stuff.

There is not one serious argument in the whole book.

Her principal problem appears to be that some right wingers are making out like bandits – vis, her chapter title, The Fantasy Industrial Complex. The people who pay them, according to De Resta, are ignorant bunnies needing a reeducation camp. Or they should just shut up and sit in a darkened room and let the adults take care of them.

So she tromps through Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro’s fight over Palestine and Jews, and points out that certain people are making millions from “extreme speech”, which horrifies all right-minded “young moms”. She spreads the Nazi/Charlotte thing again, and uses herself when she became a target of the populist right and sued. She points out errors of fact in the accusations made against her as censorship-queen, and generally acts like her own defence lawyer. And ends the chapter with an assertion that she should not have been taken to task, that her sins were not even mistakes, they were misinterpreted. Deliberately. By circus animals.

Here’s my point. When you assert lies as fact, ie the Biden election was not stolen, that Covid was a) not a lab leak and b) the vaccine was not a product of the security state. And c) that all your opponents are circus animals with no merit, and d) all this comes from the enhanced ability of stupid sheep and venal circus animals to communicate with each other, you deserve hounding. You are a stooge of the National Security State.

You can see the dead hand of the National Security State everywhere these days. After a briefing in a SCIF, everyone goes wobbly and starts shilling for the State. The once promising Mike Johnson turned into a bubbling patsy, and Congress person after Congress person goes weak after an encounter with the CIA. Bribed, threatened, compromised or scared out of their wits, it is the Deep State who runs the show. And no one stands up to them. We know they killed Kennedy, but even Trump backed down when they warned him. Mike Pompeo actually threatened Tucker Carlson if he continued to ask questions about Kennedy’s assassination by the Deep State. This is just one of their appalling actions. The secrets they hide could spur the world into a new era, but it would mean their end, their prosecution as traitors, so they strong arm, threaten and ruin anyone who comes close.

Hence yesterday’s decision by the Supreme Court in favor of the government being allowed to tell the socials to take down inconvenient truths. Justice Alito wrote a blistering dissent some of which you can read here. Matt Taibbi’s distress call is here. There will be another chance for the justicies to stand down the dark forces in the government after a current case is heard by the Ninth Circuit.

As laboriously described via Michael Schellenberger and Matt Taibbi’s investigation of the Twitter files, the National Security State has stood up several dozen organizations that seek to staunch the flow of what they deem disinformation. Evidence suggests that the cube farms around Langley were filled with Ivy League graduates who spend their time cruising Facebook and Twitter, complaining to the companies, and inventing contra-stories that they then sent out over said socials to suppress those unhappy, completely untrue and entirely destructive opinions.

As reported by Just the News: In “its own after-action report on the 2020 election, the (censorship) consortium boasted it flagged more than 4,800 URLs — shared nearly 22 million times on Twitter alone — for social media platforms. Their staff worked 12-20 hour shifts from September through mid-November 2020, with “monitoring intensif[ying] significantly” the week before and after Election Day.”

We’ve been here before. Only it used to be the British Crown. If you read any account of America in the years leading up to, during and after the Revolution, the ferment, the pamphleting, the anger, the charlatans, the fervor, was just as violent, even more crude than today, except that then you were likely to be tarred, feathered and ridden out of town on a rail, rather than ‘cancelled’. That fervour resulted in founding documents that produced the most productive creative country the world has ever seen. Chaos is necessary for progress (and not progressive progress). Ron Chernow’s Washington, A Life is rife with incidents indicating that today is a mirror of then, only now we are more polite.


Ever since then government stooges have been advancing the necessity of controlled speech. DiResta quotes Walter Lippman’s elision of truth and attempt to shelter under the “founding fathers”, as follows.

Opposing groups in particular “live in the same world, but they think and feel in different ones,” he wrote.  To bridge these gaps and to create the sort of informed public that the Founding Fathers considered requisite for democratic governance, Lippmann argued, meant that a well-functioning society needed experts, institutions, and centralized media working in tandem—needed a propaganda machine. This technocratic elite would determine appropriate courses of action for particular social and policy issues to facilitate the “manufacture of consent” of the governed.”

No wonder she was fired and her ‘institute’ shut down. And herself embroiled in court. Long may it continue.


Why this wholesale attempt at censorship by the state?


I have written extensively about the stolen election. 2020 was stolen, wholesale, using multiple methodologies. Legitimate polls repeatedly show that more than half of us believe the 2020 and 2022 elections were stolen. There is a preponderance of evidence that the National Security State organized the theft, and then moved to silence evidence of such theft.


There has been extensive and profoundly respectable research into the origins of Covid – since when does a ‘virus’ have a registered patent and a vaccine invented and patented in 1995 advanced as new? – and the dangers of the vaccine. A full 20% of us know someone who died as a result of the vaccine. Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt of Balliwick News, Dr David Martin, and many many others have done deep deep research, going into the legislation, through all the rules, regulations, patents, and interagency agreements to show that Covid 19 and the vaccine were security-state manufactured toxins, meant to do one thing, draw down the population. Every country is reporting massive upticks in turbo cancer, dementia, infant deaths, heart failure in the young, and excess deaths.

And the security state, using doofuses like DiResta has been working overtime to stop disclosure.

Why? Why are they doing this? Most immediately, national debts, which are impossible to even service, given real interest rates. The number crunchers at the top have reached the inescapable conclusion that there needs to be fewer humans, especially elderly humans who need medical care and pensions. 2026-8 is asserted as a crisis point, where we run out of money, at which point we need fewer people – especially elderly people – on earth or our debt will collapse the planet.

Legitimate, highly trained and credentialed scientists assert 20,000,000 of us have already died from the vaccine world-wide, and that by 2028, one third of us will be either sick or taking care of the ill. If even some of this is true, people like Renee DiResta are shilling for evil.

We have always had gadflies in the public square. Today’s censorship consortiums, operational in every country, only indicate that there is something there to hide.

Up at the top I linked an interview with Chris Williamson and Mike Solana. Solana has started a new media company called Pirate Wire and is head of the Founders Institute. He is a half-grown-up millennial. Solana publishes news from the left and right, and astonishingly, exactly like DiResta, says there is no substance beneath the complaints of the right, and already he can see people tiring of the fuss and fervour. The right, he says, have no alternative.

Solana is operating with one brain cell here. The populist right all over the world has serious concerns and strong alternative paths laid out. We have deep fundamental objections to elite bullying. We think the direction is wrong, as in ill-founded, based on falsehood. Everywhere populists observe the narrowing of scope in every profession, the titanic debt run up in service of the New World Order, the endless wars that taxpayers are forced to fund, the stupidity of Climate Change and the Sixth Great Extinction agendas, neither of which are happening. Most people are forced to confront the subsequent massive regulatory burden based on bad science, that afflicts anyone trying to create anything in the real (not digital not financialized) world. Populists see a future where humans regress, get smaller, more frightened, more controlled and controllable. And they object. Rolling back excessive one-worlder, green climate regulation is just the start. Increasing energy production which will spur real growth and the genuine upleveling of every human and family is the goal. We all should be twice or three times as rich as we are now. It is the National Security State holding us back. And their ideas, enshrined by Renee DiResta are infantile, useless and profoundly dishonest.

There is no stopping full disclosure on the stolen election, the Covid genocide, the corruption of the Deep State. It is coming, and within a few years, consensus reality will look quite quite different.


The reaction to my publishing the series over the past three weeks on our catastrophic land management led to a publishing offer, which I am considering, a great deal of republishing on other sites and interview requests from here to Croatia. I was on Marc Morano’s TNT show on Monday, linked here. I have been an admirer of Morano’s for years, his dogged work on the Climate Change lie, his facing down of the whole culture slandering him, is nothing less than heroic. Ditto for James Delingpole and I talked to him on Tuesday. Have accepted that people are coming to realize that the legislative smothering of human activity has been a major contributor to our current economic peril. We have all the tools to mitigate economic activity in rural regions, and we must, must grow. So I’m not quitting the environmental file. Please consider an inexpensive annual subscription that helps fund my work.



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