Archive for the ‘Administrative State’ Category

C&C. DEVASTATING. 3-Tier Test.  Corner Post.

July 2 | Posted by mrossol | Administrative State, American Thought, Childers, Law, Pushing Back, SCOTUS, US Constitution, US Courts

Special Edition: the best news day since the Pandemic. All the hot takes and headlines are wrong about yesterday’s Supreme Court decision. It’s all so much bigger and better than anyone imagines. Source: DEVASTATING ☙ Tuesday, July 2, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS Good morning, C&Cers, and Happy, Happy Tuesday! You aren’t going to believe how great yesterday’s news really was. It’s historic.... Read more

Who’s In Charge And What’s Going On? – by Mark Wauck

June 30 | Posted by mrossol | Administrative State, American Thought, Deep State, Democrat Party, Israel, Middle East, Ruling Class

THey all knew.  It is becoming plain that a shadowy cohort is running the country.  The Democrat Party is composed of those who want to stay in power and milk the Republic for all the $$ they can.  Methods be dammed.  mrossol Source: Who’s In Charge And What’s Going On? – by Mark Wauck

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The SCOTUS: A Weak Reed But Still Our Best Hope?

June 30 | Posted by mrossol | Administrative State, American Thought, SCOTUS

I’ve made the argument in the past that, feckless though it may seem at times, the SCOTUS—especially the Trump SCOTUS—remains America’s best hope for recovering what is still viable in our constitutional order. mwauck Source: The SCOTUS: A Weak Reed But Still Our Best Hope?

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Chevron Deference Overturned by SCOTUS

June 28 | Posted by mrossol | Administrative State, Big Govt, Malone, SCOTUS, US Constitution

Major win for conservatives, major loss for administrative state power Source: Chevron Deference Overturned by SCOTUS

JUN 28, 2024
In a major blow to US Federal Administrative State power, the... Read more

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