Henninger: The Obama Democrats

September 13 | Posted by mrossol | American Thought, Liberal Press, Obama, Party Politics, The Left

Don’t look for this analysis in the liberal press…

… the Chicago teachers union …[have] got goals, and what they want from the people of Chicago or America is compliance.

… The modern Democratic Party, the party of Obama, is about permanent division and permanent opposition.

Despite seven Democratic presidencies since FDR, Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Harvard still grieves, “The system is rigged!”
Jennifer Granholm, who seems to have summered in Argentina, shouted that for Mitt Romney, “year after year, it was profit before people.”
The economics of San Antonio Mayor Julián Castro (Stanford, Harvard Law): “It’s a choice between a country where the middle class pays more so that millionaires can pay less.”

… Today it’s the Obama Democrats who insist that something like voter-identification statutes are a racist conspiracy. Barack Obama in his grave acceptance speech fears that “this nation’s promise is reserved for the few.” …

This is a party whose agenda is avenging slights, wrongs and the systemic theft of “our democracy.” For all this injustice, someone must be made to pay…

The Obama administration’s battle with the Catholic Church over contraceptive services is symbolic and important. …. Kathleen Sebelius to American Catholics: Get out of our way.

Mitt Romney—whose own political conversation is remarkably bereft of history—ought to be explaining to Democrats-turned-independent how far Mr. Obama has moved their party from its traditions. FDR’s Social Security and LBJ’s Medicare asked all to buy in to supporting it. ObamaCare doesn’t; Mr. Obama revels in explaining how “they” will pay for “you.” Left unanswered, demagoguery can win elections. And take a generation to undo.

Write to henninger@wsj.com

A version of this article appeared September 13, 2012, on page A13 in the U.S. edition of The Wall Street Journal, with the headline: The Obama Democrats.


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