Bias against Whites?

August 7 | Posted by mrossol | Obama, Politically correct, The Left Tags:

What will it take to get American’s attention? What will you do as a result of reading this?


As horrific as this is, it needs to circulate!  (It happened in 2007, but national news media ‘blacked it out’.)

The individuals pictured two paragraphs below car-jacked then raped Christopher Newson, gang-raped him multiple times, set him on fire and fatally shot him several times while they forced his girlfriend, Channon Christian, to watch. An even more cruel fate awaited her!

Channon Christian was beaten and gang-raped in many ways by all of them. They poured chemicals in her mouth… and then murdered her by suffocation.

Lemaricus Davidson, 25 , faces a total of 46 charges.. Letalvis Cobbins, 24 , faces a total of 46 charges. George Thomas, 24 , faces a total of 46 charges. Vanessa Coleman, 18 , faces 40 Tennessee state charges. Eric Boyd, 24 , also arrested in connection with the fatal car jacking, only faces federal charges as an accessory after the fact.

So, where were Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson? Were they providing counsel and help to the families of the victims?

Of course not – the victims were white

Why didn’t this receive National coverage by the news media like the Trayvon Martin case in Florida?

Oh, right – the victims were white.

Why didn’t the NAACP, ACLU, New York Times etc., called for an investigation?

Must be cause the victims were white?

Why wasn’t the FBI been called in to investigate this as a hate crime?

Was it because the victims were white?

So, if a white radio shock jock uses the phrase ‘Nappy headed’Ho, it gets 2 weeks of constant news coverage.

If two white people are tortured, raped, and murdered by a group of black people, it barely gets a blip in the news.

If enough people make this an agenda item for them, then maybe it will land in the hands of someone in the media or politics, who has the guts to stand up for the white people!
Oh, and so you don’t discount this as ‘made up’ hoax, here are some supporting links:

How much more evidence do YOU need before YOU acknowledge that there is real bias in the media when it comes to African Americans as not simply victims? If the Democrat Party,  Senator Barack Hussein Obama,  “Black Leadership” were not just politicking  the very minimal amount of white-on-black crime, don’t you think they would have been issuing press statements, calling on the press, calling for national outrage when this crime was committed?



One Response to “Bias against Whites?”

  1. Rambling Rubes says:

    I’m sure U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder will jump right on this…

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