How is it NOT Islam?

September 29 | Posted by mrossol | Obama, Politically correct, Radical Islam, The Left

Not sure how many more terrorist acts we need to see on US soil before people wake up.
How do you tie together all of the major terrorist events on American soil since 9/11? Simple: you study the woven web behind the Moore, Oklahoma, beheader Alton Nolen.

He converted to Islam in prison and sat under the influence of Imam Suhaib Webb. Webb was connected to the greater Islamic Society of Oklahoma. Webb also had associations with the mosque where the Boston Marathon bombers frequented. Worst of all, Suhaib Webb was a confidant of Amwar al-Awlaki, the mastermind of the al Qaeda attacks of 9/11/01. The killer utilized the techniques of ISIS. And the Obama administration immediately labels it “workplace violence.”

I know the authorities are having a hard time accurately describing what happened in Moore, but let’s break some things down:

This attack occurred after Nolen converted to Islam.
This attack occurred after sitting under an Islamic imam’s teaching.
This attack followed the rejection of Islamic conversion of co-workers.
This attack followed an argument about Islam that got him fired.
This attack followed an argument governing Islamic practice.
This attack followed Nolen’s intolerance towards anyone’s disagreement concerning the stoning of women (an inherently Islamic practice — as neither Jews nor Christians practice such).
This attack followed the rationale of the Islamic State. (Convert, Flee or Die.)
This attack utilized the same methodologies as the Islamic State — beheading.
This attack — like 9/11 and Boston — was immediately praised — even by Muslims in the U.S.
This attack — like the Ft. Hood massacre — was labeled an incident of workplace violence, even when like Ft. Hood “Allah Akbar” was invoked by the evil doer. (The famous invocation of Islam.)

The first, most immediate, reports about the incident claimed the Islamic Society of Oklahoma was publicly expressing — not remorse for the victim’s families, or sorrow for the actions of one of their own.

Nope, the first statement from domestic Muslims discussed fears of violent reprisals. Which is rich, huh? The evil one comes from their midst, but they are afraid they won’t be treated well?

We continue to be told by the administration that we are not at war with radical Islam. The president inaccurately continues to say that be headings, violence, dominance, rape, and murder are not the actions of Islam.

The problem we face, however, is that our enemy believes they are practicing Islam to its most serious degree. And even if the entire global population of Islam is added up and the radical components of it only consist of 2-3 percent, that still leaves a few million radicals that will continue to come after the infidels and lop off their heads.

Now that the CIA and the military alert us to the idea that ISIS fighters who had been born in the USA have returned from their battles… Now that the Rochester police arrested the ISIS member in upstate New York… Now that ISIS has set up operations in Ciudad Juarez (across only a river from El Paso Texas…) Now that an ISIS-styled beheading took the life of a young man in New Jersey… And now that a Muslim in the heartland carried out an Islamic State-style execution on the inferior female infidels in his office… What is it about this activity BEING Islam that we don’t get?

The American people KNOW it is Islam. We know Islam teaches these things, and we know that there are millions of radicalized Muslims ready to attack.

It has taken our military’s weapons to thwart Islamic terror overseas. In Moore, Oklahoma it took a private gun owner to put down the evil.

What will it take for our president?
Kevin McCullough ( hosts “AFA Today” every weekday at noon Central time on American Family Radio. He also is the nationally syndicated host of “The Kevin McCullough Show” weekdays and “Baldwin/McCullough Radio” Saturdays (9-11 p.m. EST) on more than 600 radio stations. His newest best-selling hardcover from Thomas Nelson Publishers — “No He Can’t: How Barack Obama is Dismantling Hope and Change” — is in stores now.
» Mr. President, how is it NOT Islam? » Fresh Ink — GOPUSA.


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