illogic [and dangerous?] leftist thoughts

June 28 | Posted by mrossol | 1st Amendment, American Thought, Critical Thinking, Democrat Party, Health, Interesting, The Left, US Constitution

This is the kind of illogic happening by the Left:

“Let’s get one thing straight: Freedom doesn’t mean you have the right to recklessly endanger others by refusing to get vaccinated.” Robert Reich, 7/31/2021 on Twitter

“I don’t know who needs to hear this but every person should have control over their own body.” Robert Reich, 6/26/2022 on Twitter

To the left, white men- especially old white men -are the scourge of humanity. I mean, look who wrote and established Roe v. Wade in the first place!!

Conservatives have somehow lived with the Supreme Court stampeding the culture to the left — for decades. But when the Court pushes the culture back toward the right for two weeks, woke progressives scream for protests, riots, Court-packing, radical restructuring, jurisdiction-stripping, assassinating justices, and suicide-bombing the Supreme Court.  For example, someone tweeted:

I want everyone to know, that if I ever get pregnant and am denied an abortion, I will march my ass straight to the Supreme Court, and suicide myself right there in the lobby. This is not an empty threat. Its a promise. There is no peaceful end to this.” WannaBeTwink, 6/25/22

Sheeze. The SCOTUS did not “outlaw” abortion. The simply ruled that it was under the jurisdiction of the states; that the “right to abortion” was not something in the US Constitution. They reprimanded it back to the states so it could be ‘democratically’ decided. [We’re all for ‘democracy’, right?]


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