Critically Thinking about the Left’s American Education Strategy

February 16 | Posted by mrossol | American Thought, Critical Thinking, Education

Feb. 17, 2023 by John Droz Jr.

Source: Critically Thinking about the Left’s American Education Strategy

This may be my last education piece for awhile*, as there are other topics in the queue… This article is very important as it connects the dots in some areas that you may not be aware of. So stand back a bit and give some Critical Thought to what is a sophisticated strategy to undermine America, by mis-educating our youth.

Remember that the Left plays the long game, and is willing to wait decades to get their desired result. Most Americans don’t think like that, as we have been programmed to get what we want now. Guess who is likely behind that?

*For those arriving late, some of the other Education analyses are: Part 1Part 2Part 3, Part 4, Postscript, and Critically Thinking about Equality vs Equity. For other commentaries click on the “Archive” button at the top of the page… Note: thought the Education series, I use the terms Left and Progressive interchangeably.

Emphasize K-12 Education

The idea is that the younger the better, as children are easier to propagandize. Also by doing this, a solid foundation is constructed for higher-ed indoctrination.

Support Grade Inflation

Consistent with the Left’s equity agenda of equal outcomes. Inflated grades also help assure that real learning is minimized, since nominal efforts are richly rewarded.

Assert that Critical Thinking is their Priority

This false assertion is to distract trusting souls, or those not paying attention, as the opposite (conformity and compliance) is actually what is being taught.

Focus on K-12 Science Education (NAS Framework)

Science is where Critical Thinking should be taught, as real scientists are skeptics and question things. The Left does not want to teach this to students, so the K-12 Science standards (based on the Framework) are divorced from Critical Thinking.

Imbed Political Agendas in K-12 Science Standards (NGSS)

Scientifically debatable technical topics (like climate change, renewable energy, fossil fuels, etc.) are inaccurately presented as scientifically resolved. If they were genuinely teaching Critical Thinking, they would objectively and comprehensively present the pros and cons of such technical issues — and then let students reason.

Imbed Progressive Perspectives in K-12 Science Standards

Replace linear thinking with lateral thinking, which is more consequential than it seems. For example, the Left says linear thinking is an indication of whiteness. For example, the Scientific Method is no longer taught, as “it promotes linear thinking.”

Make a Moral Case for their Framework and Standards

Value messages like justice, equity, etc. are incorporated in Science materials. For example, the Framework has a full chapter on Equity (much more than it has on Critical Thinking). Who made up these values, and where are they written?

Have the Framework and Standards advocate a Secular Religion

The Framework and NGSS should take a theistically objective position on topics like creation of the universe, etc., but they consistently take the atheistic perspective.

Use Terminology as a Barrier to the Public’s Understanding

The authors of these materials often use pedagogical words like “frameworks,” “crosscutting,” etc. that have two intentions: 1) to impress the public with their competence, and 2) to obfuscate what is going on.

Employ Deference to Authority to Sell the Framework and Standards

These Science standards (and their imbedded messages) were created by education experts and supposedly vetted and approved by a “representative cross-section” of “stakeholders,” so who are you to object? The message is: butt out!


A strong case can be made that there is no more important American societal matter that needs to be immediately fixed, than the inferior education (and mis-education) currently being provided to our K-12 children. It’s clear that ideas like school choice have merit for some individual students — but abandoning our public education system to the Left is not in America’s best interest, or ours.

This collection of commentaries has outlined the key problems, andprovided some unique, practical, constructive solutions.

It’s now up to parents, citizens, teachers, scientists, conservative organizations, etc. to stop complaining, and to start taking meaningful steps to stop this ongoing carnage.

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