German health insurance company experiences 76% increase in employee sick days as excess deaths skyrocket

March 8 | Posted by mrossol | Big Govt, Disinformation, Health, Pharma, Vaccine

Source: Horowitz: German health insurance company experiences 76% increase in employee sick days as excess deaths skyrocket – Conservative Review

How ironic that, with the rise of the Fourth Reich, we are witnessing some of the most alarming safety signals of the death jabs in the former home of the Third Reich.

There’s a lot of scary news stories these days and numerous current events to keep us up at night. However, can you think of anything more critical than getting to the bottom of the “mystery” over excess illness, death, and the sudden drop in births? New data from a German health insurance company regarding sick leave of its employees is just the latest data point to implicate the sacred COVID shots as at least one of the culprits.

Amid all the data points that ominously reflect a rash of sudden illness and death, German insurance company Barmer recorded a 76% increase in medical-related absences among its employees in 2022 over 2021, according to German newspaper Die Welt. 2021 was the deadliest year of the pandemic with the Delta variant, yet somehow the company’s sick leave nearly doubled the following year?! What gives? It turns out that both COVID-related sickness and other sickness were responsible for the increase.

Here is the key data from Die Welt (per the English translation):

A total of 14 percent of all cases of incapacity to work among the insured employees of Barmer in 2022 as a whole are due to corona diseases. In 2021, this figure was three percent. The most striking increase in the number of corona sick leave was in July of the previous year. “While in July 2021 only 0.9 percent of all sick leave was related to Corona, the proportion in July 2022 was 20.2 percent and thus more than 22 times higher,” says the evaluation.

Barmer recorded the most significant increase in lost work in the previous year for the month of December. For December 2022, Barmer recorded 231 sick leave per 1000 of its insured persons with a claim to sick pay. This corresponds to more than a doubling of sick leave compared to the same month in 2021.

According to the official narrative, sure, you can get COVID with the shots, but you don’t get nearly as sick. If that is true, how can it be that COVID absences absolutely exploded in 2022, long after everyone was vaccinated and most were boosted? According to Our World in Data, Germans got 77 booster doses per 100 people, well over the global average and the rate in the U.S.


So how could a large German employer experience its worst year of employee illness – apparently both from COVID and non-COVID – blowing out the first two years of the pandemic precisely after everyone was boosted? Well, like every data point showing an increase in sudden death, illness, COVID, and reproductive problems after everyone was universally vaccinated, the question answers itself.

Lest you think this is just one company, the largest German health insurance company, Techniker Krankenkasse, reported a similar anomaly in 2022. According to TK figures, the average absence due to colds in 2022 was 5.75 days of absence per employed person. In 2021 it was only 1.83.

More from Die Welt:

According to TK, respiratory diseases such as colds, flu and bronchitis are responsible for the extraordinarily strong increase in sick leave. “Even before Corona, there were regular strong flu outbreaks in winter and spring. But we’ve never had such an exceptionally high level of sick leave,” explained Jens Baas, CEO of TK, at the presentation of the figures.”

So why are people so sick with respiratory illnesses? Doctors who are opponents of the COVID shots have been warning for quite some time that the misfiring of the wrong type, class, and amount of antibodies is creating original antigenic sin and is forcing the body to respond improperly to COVID and other respiratory illnesses in a form of immune suppression. The timing and shocking standard deviation of this data beyond the baseline would definitely lend credence to this theory more than any other hypothesis being posited.

Let’s not forget that in the Moderna trial for young children, officials conceded that the vaccine was associated with an increase in respiratory viruses within the first four weeks. “Some respiratory tract-related infections were reported with greater frequency in the mRNA-1273 group compared to the placebo group,” state the findings on p. 161 of the FDA review memorandum for Moderna’s emergency use authorization. One can only surmise that with waning antibodies, viral immune escape, and consistent mutations, the immune suppression could get much worse over time – something the researchers refused to study because they never preserved a long-term control group in any of their trials.

Like every other data point we share, sick leave alone is not enough to prove causal relationships, but it’s one of an endless litany of anomalous increases in death and illness coinciding with the growth of the vaccine campaign. In fact, this very company produced data last year showing there were a total of 437,593 insurance claims billed under the four diagnostic codes for vaccine injury in 2021. That is 4.3% of the 11 million people insured by TK, and of course, not all 11 million were vaccinated.

Now, doesn’t it make sense that the vaccine has to be at least part of the culprit for the sick workforce?

But what’s worse than getting sick is dropping dead suddenly. This data is quite intriguing, as well as horrifying, in that Germany is reporting the highest excess death rates in the EU. One week in December 2022, Germany racked up a 47% excess death rate over the four-year average, perfectly coinciding with the Barmer corporate data showing that to be the worst month of sick leave.


Again, how is Germany experiencing the worst excess death spikes – blowing out the most acute levels of the pandemic months of the 2020-2021 winter – after the pandemic is over?

Incidentally, German is also the home of perhaps the most scientifically based research directly connecting the COVID shots to serious injury and death. Dr. Arne Burkhardt’s team of pathologists have performed numerous autopsies on those who died from the shots and found the spike protein to utilize both the vascular and lymphatic systems to travel to every organ and potentially damage it. It can no longer be claimed that our evidence is only correlative, because he has the tissue samples to prove it.

There’s a reason Germany considered banning the Telegram app last year. Officials know their people are on to something very sinister and deadly. Although the pharmaceutical industry already controls 99% of information dissemination, fascism cannot coexist with even a morsel of truth, which can light up the forces of darkness like door left open a sliver to the hallway light at night. Germans knows fascism when they see it, and now the entire world is forewarned about the terrible genocide that has been committed all over again because we failed to fortify the firewalls of Nuremberg.


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