C&C. Blindsided. Expelled. Jone’s Troubles.

April 7 | Posted by mrossol | American Thought, Childers, Deep State, Democrat Party, Middle East, The Left

Source: INSURRECTED ☙ Friday, April 7, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS

💉 He helped defeat an army of assassins, but was taken out by a microscopic spike to the heart. In a story ignored by corporate media, but broken by lots of secondary media outlets like PageSix, TVLine, and People, Deadline News ran an article yesterday headlined “Lance Reddick Cause Of Death Disputed By Family Attorney.”

Popular actor Lance Reddick, 60, who I first admired for his role in The Wire, was recently out and about touring the release of his latest blockbuster movie, John Wick: Chapter Four. In Hollywood terms, the mild-mannered actor was only a teeny-tiny smidge away from the very top tier of Hollywood’s A-list:

Tragically, on March 17th, Lance’s wife Stephanie found him suddenly and unexpectedly sprawled on the ground unconscious in their backyard. He died in the hospital. Never woke up.

You have to hand it to them; somehow they jammed the news of Lance’s death into a NASA space capsule and launched it into the asteroid belt or something. I never heard a peep about the famous actor’s demise, and I’m always on the lookout for these stories. Lance was one of the country’s most popular secondary actors in the biggest movie of the year, which debuted right around the same time he was suddenly and unexpectedly assassinated.

Lance’s execution should have been wall-to-wall headline news, but the state-affiliated corporate media have their marching orders.

Those facts already count as a good story, because — as I don’t even need to say — we all know the jab just wiped out another bright star, and Lance’s blood is all over the spiny hands of good-for-nothing cockroaches like Fauci, Collins, Walensky, Biden, and the rest of their brainless insect army.

But the story got even more interesting yesterday, which is what finally caused Lance’s untimely slaying to bubble up to my attention.

This week the county coroner finally issued Lance’s death certificate, and it claimed he died from “Ischemic Heart Disease and Atherosclerotic Coronary Artery Disease.” In other words, the coroner said Lance’s unhealthy lifestyle, or maybe it was bad genes — who knows? — made him a walking time bomb and it was always only a matter of ‘when.’

Well, Lance’s wife isn’t buying it. Family attorney James Hornstein issued a statement saying that Lance was “the most physically fit person I’ve ever known.” He said the actor worked out every single day at his home gym, did extensive cardio, and kept a strict diet. He was healthy as a horse. Hornstein said Lance always required workout facilities in his movie contracts so he wouldn’t miss a day of exercise.

Lawyer Hornstein all but accused the coroner of falsifying the death certificate. “The information appearing on the death certificate is wholly inconsistent with his lifestyle,” Hornstein said. “On behalf of [Lance’s wife] Stephanie Reddick, the death certificate information is not corroborated and is inconsistent with the facts known to the family.”


Who knows how far the bereaved Stephanie will push this? We’ll keep an eye on the story and help out wherever we can. But it raises some interesting questions. First, if they can almost bury a gigantic story like Lance’s, how many other similar stories have they buried at sea? Second, how often are county coroners helping cover for Pfizer and Moderna, and for the sake of sanity, WHY?

Seriously, what are these coroners getting out of helping cover up this war crime, and selling their souls in the process? It can’t possibly be money. I simply do not believe Pfizer is paying off all the coroners. Are they getting some kind of perverted personal pleasure from covering for the jabs? What demonic pit does that kind of sick satisfaction wing out of?

Anyway. They need to watch themselves. John Wick slew about a thousand dangerous people over a PUPPY. (I know, I know, it wasn’t JUST a puppy.) He can kill you with a pencil.

Imagine how Wick’s going to feel about them killing his favorite doorman.

🚀 The New York Times ran cover for the Proxy War yesterday in a tongue-tying article headlined, “Ukraine War Plans Leak Prompts Pentagon Investigation.” The sub-headline explained, “Classified documents detailing secret American and NATO plans have appeared on Twitter and Telegram.”

The story downplays the damage, but at various points in the article admitted the leak is “a big coup for Moscow,” that “early on during the war, Ukrainian officials were hesitant about sharing their battle plans with the United States for fear of leaks,” and was “a significant breach of American intelligence in the effort to aid Ukraine.”


The Pentagon tried deflect from its intelligence failures by hinting that, who knows, the sneaky Russians might have snuck some disinformation into the otherwise legitimate documents, who can say? Well, the Pentagon could say. It could clear that question up in about one second, by saying exactly what, if anything, has been modified — instead of just hinting around. The cat is already out of the bag, even though Twitter and Telegram got National Security orders to delete all circulating electronic copies.

For some reason, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok aren’t mentioned as platforms where the documents are circulating. So what does THAT tell you?

The Times grudgingly allowed that at least “parts of the documents appeared authentic,” and that the disclosure would give Russia lots of “valuable information such as the timetables for the delivery of weapons and troops, Ukrainian troop buildup numbers and other top-secret military details.”

For example, one of leaked Pentagon slides coldly estimated that only 16,000 to 17,500 Russian soldiers have been killed, whereas the Deep State’s Crack House has suffered up to 71,500 troop deaths. That’s about five Ukrainians to one Russian, which is the exact opposite of what U.S. generals have been telling Congress under oath whenever they’ve parachuted in grasping for more war billions (they’ve been claiming the kill ratio was two-to-one in Ukraine’s favor).

Watch out Russian. The U.S. will fight this war to the last Ukrainian.

Another document marked “top secret” was titled “Status of the Conflict as of 1 Mar.” It said that on March 1st, Ukrainian officials were at an American base in Weisbaden, Germany, for war game sessions, and on March 2nd, General Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and General Christopher Cavoli, supreme allied commander for Europe, personally attended the meetings.

The report did not mention what color dresses or what style pumps Generals Milley and Cavoli were wearing.

I’ll just throw this out there. Given the current woeful state of U.S. administration, we can’t rule out the possibility this whole thing is a deliberate disinformation dump, or maybe a limited hangout of some kind.

Either way, it’s desperation or incompetence. You choose.

🚀 In a quiet story yesterday with a headline that completely buries the lede, the state-affiliated Wall Street Journal ran an article headlined, “Saudi, Iranian Foreign Ministers Agree to Resume Flights After Beijing Meeting.”

The article begins describing how diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia and Iran continued improving this week after China brokered a deal. But, about halfway down, the article dropped this major fact:

In an unannounced visit to Saudi Arabia earlier this week, CIA Director William Burns expressed frustration with the Saudis, according to people familiar with the matter. He told Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman that the U.S. has felt blindsided by Riyadh’s rapprochement with Iran and Syria—countries that remain heavily sanctioned by the West—under the auspices of Washington’s global rivals.

Why wasn’t the message delivered by our AMBASSADOR to Saudi Arabia? Instead, the DEEP STATE went to Saudi Arabia to try to manage the damage. The CIA Director could only have been there to offer — I mean threaten — the Saudis with some kind of top-secret intelligence that our Ambassador couldn’t be trusted with.

What kind of message could that be? Oh, I don’t know, maybe like how a color revolution could break out in Saudi Arabia any time the CIA wants. It’s a nice country you have here, it would be a shame if anything happened to it.

While the WSJ whiffed on the significance of Burns’ visit, Middle Eastern media didn’t. An Islam Times article about the story was headlined “Report: CIA Complained US Was Blindsided by Saudi Outreach to Syria and Iran.”

Unlike the WSJ, the Islam Times pointed out that Burns’ complaint about being “blindsided” was the reverse opposite of what the government has been telling U.S. citizens, which is that we WEREN’T blindsided but always knew about the Saudi-Iranian deal. “The Saudis did keep us informed about these talks that they were having, just as we keep them informed on our engagements,” lying White House spokesman John Kirby said last month when news first emerged of the Chinese-brokered deal.

Well, which is it? Were we blindsided or did the Saudis keep us informed about their talks with Iran? And, I apologize, that Kirby crack was unwarranted. John Kirby is only lying when his lips are moving.

The Islam Times added another interesting nugget that the WSJ left on the editorial cutting-room floor: that Burns “has gained a reputation as the White House’s ‘back-channel’ emissary for sensitive foreign policy missions.”

You don’t say. It’s a Deep State operation, and always has been.

🔥 The Hill ran a livid story yesterday headlined, “House, Senate Democrats Rally Behind Expelled Tennessee Lawmakers: ‘We All Lost Today’.”

During a mostly-peaceful gun-control protest this week at the Tennessee Capitol, House Representatives Justin Jones (D-Nashville), Justin Pearson (D-Memphis), and Gloria Johnson (D-Knoxville) captured the podium and completely shut down the chamber’s operations using a bullhorn, breaking every rule in the book.

The Republican-controlled Tennessee House voted yesterday to expel a trio of Democratic lawmakers after they joined a protest against gun violence on the House floor. Lawmakers voted to expel both Justins — Justin Jones and Justin Pearson — as House members, but ghastly representative Gloria Johnson scraped through on a razor-thin one vote margin.

Both of the Justins’ districts are now officially marked as “vacant.”

Tennessee Republicans described the protesters as trying to start an insurrection. Predictably, infuriated democrats immediately called the vote “racist,” “fascist,” AND undemocratic, since expelled reps Pearson and Jones are black, whereas un-expelled Johnson is a white woman. We note without comment that black democrats cheered when Johnson’s successful vote finished.

The execrable Hill story quoted a dozen enraged democrats but not a single Republican. Nor did the Hill describe what the representatives actually did that provoked the vote.

The Republicans pointed out that the expelled representatives were actually the ones who were racists:


Ironically, representative Jones is well-known for calling for other house members to be expelled:

The brownshirts, I mean peaceful protestors, over at Antifa aren’t too happy about losing their brothers-in-arms and are calling for more mostly-peaceful protesting:


🔥 The Post-Millennial ran a story yesterday headlined, “BREAKING: Trans Male Arrested for Planning Colorado School Shooting, Had Anti-Trump Manifesto.”

William Whitworth, 19, an unattractive cross-dresser who pretends to be a girl named “Lily,” was arrested and charged with attempted murder yesterday after a Colorado Springs police investigation revealed that he’d made “threats involving schools in Colorado Springs Academy District 20.”

Specifically, Elbert County Sheriff’s officials charged Mr. Whitworth with two counts of criminal attempt to commit murder in the first degree, criminal mischief, menacing, and interference with staff, faculty or students of educational institutions.

It’s not as many counts as DA Bragg brought against President Trump, but it’s still pretty serious.

After responding to a domestic disturbance report, police officers confronted Whitworth, who admitted he was planning to attack schools. When asked why, Whitworth told officers, “why does anyone do it?” Officers then found Mr. Whitworth’s “manifesto,” which included target lists right down to individual students who Whitworth didn’t like.

The so-called manifesto also included:

A list of firearms and how to 3D print them; Detailed lists of numerous named individuals to be killed and their indented casualty versus injury rate. Information detailing the creation of improvised explosive devices; The Finalization of locations being Timberview Middle School, Prairie Hills Elementary, and Pine Creek High School.

Predicably, leftwing commenters accused Colorado police of trans-phobia. Frankly, I’m a little phobic about Mr. Whitworth. That guy is downright scary.

🔥 Remember Rebekah Jones, the disgraced data entry clerk turned fake whistleblower who became an international marxist celebrity after claiming that Governor DeSantis personally tweaked Florida’s covid data to improve its stats?

Apparently she has a few more legal problems now.

The disgraceful Miami Herald headlined the story like this: “13-Year-Old Son of Rebekah Jones, Whistleblower Who Clashed With DeSantis, Arrested Over Memes.” My gosh! What is this world coming to? The headline obviously implied the notorious criminal Jones and her crime family are being persecuted by police, probably at the personal insistence of the Governor.

But look how the Pensacola News Journal — in the district where Jones lives — headlined the story: “Rebekah Jones’ Son Arrested in Florida After Allegedly Threatening to Shoot Up School, Stab Students.”


In its hastily-revised story, the Miami Herald disclosed information that it already had, but had failed to include in its original story about the arrest:

It’s unclear whether the deputies were aware of the messages, which were uncovered by a warrant to search [Jones’ son’s] Snapchat account. The messages listed in the warrant involved threats of violence, including attacks on schoolchildren.
Feb. 9: “I want to shoot up the school.”
Feb. 12: “If I get a gun I’m gonna shoot up hnms lol” – an apparent reference to Holley Navarre Middle School, which the youth had previously attended.
Feb. 12: “I always keep a knife on me so maybe I’ll just stab ppl.”
Feb. 12: “I have no hope in getting better, so why not kill the losers at school.”

Predictably, Jones informed her followers that Governor DeSantis plotted to have her son arrested for NO REASON:

But then … the Pensacola News Journal reported that JONES VOLUNTARILY TURNED HER SON IN:

SRSO spokeswoman Jillian Durkin said the Sheriff’s Office had received reports of a threat from multiple students and that a felony warrant was issued following an investigation of the reports. Durkin said Jones turned her son in to the Sheriff’s Office.


The Santa Rosa Sheriff’s Office also said that Jones’ son, 13, made numerous threats to shoot and stab students at his school and vowed “I’m getting a wrath and natural selection shirt so maybe but I don’t think many ppl know what the Columbine shooters look like.”

I’m not judging, and I feel some sympathy for what the Jones family is going through, but one wonders how the boy got to this low condition. Maybe Jones should do less criminal politicking and more parenting?

Just saying.

💉 Joining the Mayo Clinic, Stanford University announced it is ending its vaccine mandate effective April 10th, the day the federal state of emergency will end unless Joe Biden vetos the bill.

🔥 Earlier this week, Politico ran a story headlined “Dem Fundraising Giant ActBlue Lays Off 17 Percent of Workforce.”

According to Politico, the democrat fund-raising firm is “restructuring” to control costs and restructure. It has nothing whatsoever to do with James O’Keefe’s recent exposé appearing to show a giant money-laundering operation within ActBlue, so don’t even start.

The fund raiser said the laid-off employees are “non-technical.” Like maybe people who sit at their computer and make small donations all day on behalf of elderly democrat donors? Just wondering.

I hope somebody is keeping track of all those laid-off employees, who might be useful as witnesses later.

Unsurprisingly, the Hill did not mention O’Keefe’s story at all.

🔥 On Wednesday, the Florida legislature completed the second reading of SB 1438, “Protection of Children,” and added an important amendment.

The bill already authorized the Division of Hotels and Restaurants to fine, suspend, or revoke the license (and liquor license) of any hotel or restaurant if the establishment admits a child to an adult-themed live performance.

Here’s how the bill defines an “adult live performance”:

(a) “Adult live performance” means any show, exhibition, or other presentation in front of a live audience which, in whole or in part, depicts or simulates nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, or specific sexual activities as those terms are defined in s. 847.001, lewd conduct, or the lewd exposure of prosthetic or imitation genitals or breasts when it:

1. Predominantly appeals to a prurient, shameful, or morbid interest;

2. Is patently offensive to prevailing standards in the adult community of this state as a whole with respect to what is suitable material or conduct for the age of the child present; and

3. Taken as a whole, is without serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value for the age of the child present.

Seriously, how can anyone complain about that? But they are. According to Florida dems, it’s the worst fascism since Mussolini got the trains running on time again.

Wednesday’s amendment would ban local officials from issuing permits for any adult-themed public performances, and made it a first-degree misdemeanor to hold such a performance with or without a permit.

The bill is sponsored by rock-star Senators Clay Yarborough and Keith Perry (from my district).

Have a fabulous Good Friday! I’ll see you back here tomorrow morning for the pre-Easter weekend edition.


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