C&C. Risen! Italy Pop Drop. Masks NO. Ontario Deaths. Disney.

April 9 | Posted by mrossol | CDC NIH, Childers, Coronavirus, Democrat Party, Disinformation, Health, LGBT, Vaccine, Woke

Source: RISEN ☙ Sunday, April 9, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS


🪖 Twitter appears to have “fixed” whatever was “broken,” and Substack links in tweets are working normally again, as far as I can tell. Even better, some embedded tweets in Substack posts are working right again too. From various announcements from both sides, it appears Substack DID try to scrape a bunch of data from Twitter, but legally, using the publicly-available API (programmer’s interface), which Twitter admins noticed and reacted by jamming all of Substack onto a “dangerous sites” list or something.

Cooler heads have prevailed, it seems, and Substack has now been resurrected on Twitter.

Having played around with Substack’s new Twitter clone Notes for two days now, I don’t think it will be replacing Twitter anytime soon. That’s not any criticism, I like the new features and think Notes offers some unique improvements that will improve Substack, but Twitter is a much more mature ecosystem and I suspect it will continue doing what it does.

I do hope the Substack devs will give the comments section a much-needed refresh, allowing links, formatting, and images, which they have clearly implemented well in the Notes section. That would be an even bigger win, I think. Make the comments section look like Notes!


💉 Sky News Australia ran a story yesterday headlined, “Italy’s National Birth Rate Declared a National Emergency.”

Who could have seen THAT coming?

Joining several other high-jab countries, Italy’s birth rate is now at all-time historic low levels. Italians are now dying at much faster rates than people can replace them. Last year Italy recorded more than 12 deaths for every seven births, and the resident population fell by 179,000 to 58.85-million, according to an official government annual demographic report.

The population of Italy has been declining since 2014, and has now lost a net total of over 1.36 million people — equal to the population of its second-largest city, Milan.

The agency report explained a kind of vicious cycle, where as the female population — of REAL females, that is womb-havers — continues falling, fewer births offset the rising death rates. “A major factor is the reduction and the aging of the female population in the 15-49 age group conventionally considered reproductive.”

Starting in 2021, the Italian government even offered cash incentives for families to have more children, between 50 and 175 Euros per child per month, until kids hit 21 or become financially independent.

It isn’t working.

The plummeting population constitutes a crisis in Italy because the country has high debt, and as there are fewer and fewer people left in the country, the debt-per-citizen rates are rising to their own historic levels. What I found most curious were the leftist comments to stories about the decline, suggesting it was all just fine, and Italy would just make up the losses with immigration.

The problem with leftism is that, sooner or later, you run out of other people’s people.

💉 Savannah Ob/Gyn and amateur equestrian Jessica Mullinix, 35, succumbed to turbo breast cancer this week. She died AT HOME on Wednesday.


According to reports, Jessica “was forced to end her practice in Nov. 2022 after learning her cancer had metastasized.” No word on when Jessica took her hospital-mandated shots.

It’s a good thing we mandated the shots to preserve our overwhelmed medical system, right? Remind me again how long it takes to train a new Ob/Gyn?

💉 Ontario’s latest official Covid report officially disclosed that deaths from the virus have INCREASED almost +40% since the jabs were mandated. The government report, which one assumes does its utmost to understate the figures, reported in 2022 there were +7,625 covid deaths compared to only +5,485 in 2021:

In Ontario, there were a total 7,625 COVID-19 deaths in 2022 and 5,485 in 2021. The rate of COVID-19 deaths was 39% higher in 2022 (51.4 per 100,000 population) compared to 2021 (37.0 per 100,000 population).

Something isn’t adding up! The same thing was true for serious covid hospitalizations in Ontario, which increased to +29,524 in 2022 from +22,559 in 2021 — about 31% more:

In Ontario, there were a total of 29,524 COVID-19 hospitalizations in 2022 and 22,559 in 2021. The COVID-19 hospitalization and death rates in 2022 were 31% and 39% higher than in 2021, respectively (Tables 1 and 2, Figure 1).

Let’s walk through the timeline again. First they told everybody that the vaccines would keep us from catching covid and would shut down the pandemic. That moronic advice failed almost immediately, so then they suddenly said we needed quarterly boosters to hold up “the protection.” When that failed to stop infections, they fell back on murky, nebulous claims that, even though jabs make you feel sick, that just shows the vaccines are working, and even though you still catch covid over and over, the jabs PREVENT “serious hospitalization and death.”

Somehow! It’s like magic. They have NEVER explained the mechanism for how the jabs supposedly make your covid case less serious.

Um. But their latest argument is being shredded by reality. The official party line now is that, okay, maybe they don’t STOP serious covid or covid deaths, but the jabs “reduce your RISK of serious hospitalization and death,” in some hazy, unquantifiable amount. Don’t ask questions.

But even that floppy contention is failing to match the data, at least it is in places where they’re still tracking the data.

Ontario’s data defies every single claim the government has ever made about its hastily-approved, no-liability, experimental gene-based therapy. Explain Ontario, Einstein.

In related news this week, courageous Senator Ron Johnson told Fox Business his main priority in the Senate is to continue advocating for the vaccine injured:


God bless that man.

🔥 The Orlando Sentinel ran a story Friday headlined, “DeSantis: I’ll Kill Reedy Creek Deal, Consider Hotel Tax, Tolls For Disney World.”

The backstory is, shortly before the the Florida Legislature effectively ended Disney’s self-rule, which was in response to Disney’s political lobbying for young Florida kids to get trans-educated, right as the clock was running out and Disney still held control, Disney used its final remaining powers to pass a bunch of local resolutions transferring the power back to itself using other legal tools.

It was a smart move, given Disney’s situation. But it kindled a legal firestorm for the media giant.

Last week, the new Reedy Creek board appointed by the Governor complained that Disney had hollowed out all its powers, leaving it effectively useless. So this week, after being constantly hectored by reporters maniacally questioning how it felt to be outmaneuvered by the Mouse’s army of lawyers, the Governor responded.

“Come hell or high water, we’re going to make sure that the policy of Florida carries the day,” DeSantis said in a speech at Michigan’s Hillsdale College on Thursday night. “And so they can keep trying to do things. But ultimately we’re going to win on every single issue involving Disney, I can tell you that.”

He wasn’t done. “[N]ow that Disney has reopened this issue, we’re not just going to void the development agreement they tried to do, we’re going to look at things like taxes on the hotels, we’re going to look at things like tolls on the roads,” DeSantis said. “We’re going to look at things like developing some of the property that the district owns.”

He reiterated his commitment to undoing Disney’s deal during a news conference in Ocala on Friday, saying the state will pass additional legislation to nullify Disney’s sneaky deal and “potentially arm the board with the ability to make sure that this is run appropriately.”

This all follows DeSantis’ demand last week for a legal and ethics review of Disney’s shady, last-minute power transfer:

Twitter avatar for @jhaskinscabrera

Jennifer Cabrera 😀 @jhaskinscabrera
.@GovRonDeSantis requests civil and criminal investigations into Disney and the former board of the Reedy Creek Improvement District. The governor’s office says all legislative options are back on the table.

The new Reedy Creek board has already hired Florida mega-firm Cooper & Kirk, as well as two local Orlando firms, Nardella & Nardella (I went to law school with the owner) and Waugh Grant.

Mice are pests, albeit cute ones, and pests get exterminated. Just saying. Figuratively.

😷 On Friday, Medscape ran a tearful story about a newly-published study headlined, “Mask Wearing in Hospitals Had Little Impact on COVID-19 Omicron Transmission.”

Oh dear. Imagine that. Who could have foreseen such a radical finding?

The study’s researchers analyzed infection control data over a 40-week period between December 2021 (the first week of Omicron) and September 2022 (when universal covid testing on admission stopped) to examine hospital-acquired covid infections compared with changes in mask-wearing policies over the same period.

The participating hospital agreed to require masks in some wards and allow no masks in other wards, to provide a basis for comparison.

During a general community surge in infections in June 2022, removal of the mask policy was not associated with any statistically significant change in the rate of hospital-acquired covid infections in the study group, “with SARS-CoV-2 infection no higher than the rate when masks were obligatory.”

Weird. It’s almost like airborne virus particles are too small to be filtered by the mask’s fibers or something.

Moreover, the authors pointed out that they did “not observe a delayed effect,” with no change in the infection rate after the mask mandate was removed. Similarly, the control group that kept on wearing masks had no immediate or delayed change in infection rates.

The authors concluded, “Requirements to wear surgical masks in a large London hospital during the first 10 months of Omicron activity (December 2021 to September 2022) made no discernible difference to reducing hospital-acquired SARS-CoV-2 infections.”

And there you have it.

Hysterical mask-lovers immediately began playing the study game, arguing that Omicron might be different somehow, compared to other variants, and by picking at various factual details in the study throwing out unconvincing hypotheticals like maybe people in the masking group cheated and took their masks off anyways.

Now, tell me. Who are the “science deniers?”

🔥 TVP World ran a story yesterday headlined, “U.K.’s Largest Teacher Union Votes for More Drag Queens in Schools.” The story came with this terrifying image, cruelly designed to give kids nightmares for weeks:

The largest teacher’s union in the United Kingdom, the NEU, voted this week to “encourage” schools across the country to welcome drag queens and to promote more LGBT events.

The NEU’s decision to promote drag queen story hour and other LGBTQIA++ events was partly an indignant response to the U.K. government’s decision to block a Scottish measure that would have made it easier for people to officially change their designated gender in Scotland.

None of which had anything to do with schools, and what drag story hours have to do with teacher’s compensation and benefits is equally unclear.

Isn’t it weird how this crazy trans breakout is happening worldwide all at the same time? It’s almost like it’s coordinated somehow.

🔥 The New York Post ran a revealing story Friday headlined “Inside The CEI System Pushing Brands to Endorse Celebs Like Dylan Mulvaney.”

“CEI” — part of the so-called ESG industry — refers to a Corporate Equality Index score, which is stingily doled out by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the largest LGBTQ+ political lobbying group in the world. The Human Rights Campaign is funded in large part by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation (among others), and issues CEI “report cards” that score America’s largest companies. HRC awards or subtracts points for how well companies follow what HRC calls its LGBT “rating criteria.”

HRC’s president Kelley Robinson is not a doctor, socialist, biologist, scientist, or any other kind of -ist. Kelley was a political organizer for Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. But it’s not politics. It’s human rights or whatever.

A company can lose its dearly-acquired CEI points if it doesn’t keep satisfying HRC’s demand for “integration of intersectionality in professional development, skills-based or other training” — whatever that means — or if it doesn’t use a “supplier diversity program with demonstrated effort to include certified LGBTQ+ suppliers.”

Meaning to get the virtuous, valuable CEI points, companies have to shovel money toward people like Dylan Mulvaney.

That’s all well and good, but the Bud Light company is feeling the heat this week from ACTUAL CUSTOMERS. And they know it. In a followup story yesterday, the Post headlined “Bud Light Goes Silent on Social Media After Dylan Mulvaney Partnership.”

You’d think if it were so proud of its LGBT support, Bud Light would be out defending itself and scolding everyone for being so intolerant. But since the end of March, Bud Light has not posted anything on Instagram to its 377,000 followers, and the brand’s 311,000 Twitter followers have not seen any posts either. Nor has the beer brand not posted anything to its over 7.5 million Facebook followers since March 30th.

So the plan seems to be not to say ANYTHING until this all blows over. Meanwhile, many independent reports are surfacing on social media suggesting that, following hyper-cheerful Dylan Mulvaney’s appointment as the beer brand’s advertising spokesman, Bud Light sales have plunged into virtual non-existence.

Twitter avatar for @ChuckCallesto

Chuck Callesto @ChuckCallesto
JUST IN: Anheuser-Busch affiliate, whose primary sales is bud light says NO ONE IS BUYING THE PRODUCTS and when this happens he can’t feed his family.. “They DON’T KNOW their clientele… “Thanks, Anheuser-Busch.”


Get woke, go broke. How many times do they have to learn?

For your amusement, here’s the Babylon Bee’s take on the controversy:


Have a blessed and joyful Easter! I’ll see you guys back here tomorrow to jumpstart your week.


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