C&C. Falling Down. How About: BTQIA++?

June 2 | Posted by mrossol | American Thought, Biden, Childers

Source: FALLING DOWN ☙ Friday, June 2, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS


🔥 Did you know that, according to the CDC, falls are the leading cause of death, injury and hospital admissions the elderly people. Even more than covid!

As you probably already heard, Biden fell again, this time not even navigating easy stairs but just walking across a level surface. He fell and couldn’t get up. Fortunately, he didn’t even need to press his LifeAlert, since three younger men helped lift him back up. After that Joe angrily pointed at the astroturf, apparently blaming the artificial floor covering for tripping him up.

Of course, Joe, it was the grass. Sure it was. We’ll tighten it up or something. Now let’s have a nice glass of milk and a nap.

Although his fall is getting all the attention, it wasn’t just the fall. (The video is linked at the bottom of today’s post.)

Corporate media — which spent weeks dissecting Trump’s careful walk down a steep ramp in inclement weather — has either been silent or has been gaslighting everybody about how normal it is for presidents to fall while walking in a straight line on a level surface in perfect weather.

Those of us over 22 have a few presidents under our belts now, and we know for a fact that repeated falls ARE NOT NORMAL for presidents, or even for regular, non-president people, despite what the New York Times just vomited up.

The last falling president anybody can remember was when Gerald Ford once slipped down some wet metal Air Force One stairs, and it ruined his political career, defining him forever as the bumbly-stumbler, endlessly mocked by Saturday Night Live and worldwide leftists, and is widely credited for making him a one-term president.

Yesterday, Governor DeSantis promptly and graciously wished Joe Biden (note: DeSantis didn’t use the ‘P’ word) a “swift recovery” from his fall, and also wished America a swift recovery from Joe Biden:


But really, this appalling spectacle isn’t about Joe Biden at all. It isn’t about whether he’s broken his hip, or is about to, or even whether he is an abused elder in need of rescue. The point is, Biden — sadly — is the apparent leader of our Nation.

When Biden falls, America falls. When Biden is a weak, spiteful, disgruntled old man, so is America.

It is even worse that Biden fell at a military event, delivering a speech about the alleged strength of NATO. What symbolism. I can’t imagine the heyday the media team at Russia Today is having. Say what you like about that t-shirted moron Zelensky, but at least he can walk in a straight line without falling down.

Now you can’t say I never said anything nice about Vladimir Zelenskyy.

🔥 Before I report this next story, for our gay C&C members, especially the ones who seemed dismayed yesterday about a couple recent posts criticizing LGBTQIA++: To be clear, I’ve never aimed at ordinary gay folks. Don’t let them lump you in with their grotesque alphabet.

This next story helps explain why straight parents are riled up about gay issues these days. Yesterday, Moms for Liberty retweeted a local report from El Dorado High School, where a student had published to YouTube a secret recording of their teacher giving her kids an explicit lesson on gay anal sex techniques, and how wonderful she thinks prostate stimulation feels, along with smart-shopper suggestions as to which stores — she mentioned Target (of course) — where students can discreetly purchase sex toys for, er, related uses.

It was pretty bad. In case you need to see and hear it for yourself to believe it, and I won’t blame you, here’s the link. Other folks may wish to just take my word for it and skip the experience altogether:


It was so bad, in fact, that even in Southern California, the teacher has been placed on administrative leave pending an investigation.

Now, you might say, well Jeff, the system’s working, the teacher has been removed from the classroom. I would answer, we’ll see. And I would also say: we need cameras in classrooms. But both answers miss the point.

The point is, there is a wicked zeitgeist, a demonic spirit of the age, encouraging teachers like this El Dorado booty instructor to constantly push the boundaries of what can only be described as LGBTQIA++ indoctrination. It seems to be some kind of a transgressive achievement for white, virtue-signaling female teachers to tell their students all about atypical sexual matters.

Here’s the thing: Straight parents DO NOT WANT their kids being taught about gay sexual techniques. Period. They want their kids to experience normal, traditional human lives, earning the gratifying fulfillment of the joys of parenthood, and achieving the full complement of adult maturity than can only be fully realized through natural childrearing.

Caring for a French bulldog is great, but it is not the same thing as caring for tiny humans.

It’s true that some gay folks prefer their issues to be normalized, for fairness, and treated in schools and elsewhere just like straight sexual issues. But if they want to get there, they must do it through persuasion, not indoctrination. This kind of sneaky propaganda is only hurting the cause.

Even more aggravating to straight parents than high school teachers encouraging children to experiment with atypical sex, is that RIGHT NOW the trans movement — the middle part of LGBTQIA++ — is pushing kids to seek out permanent, extreme body modifications, and in the meantime to telling them to treat their own parents as obstacles to their adult sexual fulfillment, which their undeveloped brains don’t even fully comprehend yet.

Many parents are beginning to view the aggressive trans movement as a real and present danger to their kids’ health and well-being.

Because the various alphabet groups have all joined together, normal gay people are unfortunately lumped in with LGBTQIA++. Why don’t gay folks flee from the LGBTQIA++? Why don’t they get a divorce, making LG separate from BTQIA++?

The BTQIA++ activists are out of control.

I know and often interact with regular, non-activist gay and trans folks, including within my extended family, and have perfectly ordinary relationships with them. One of the two trans folks I know is a valued former client for whom I obtained a great result, and the other is an opposing lawyer against whom I’ve been collegially litigating for several years. I don’t gaslight or lie to either one, but I respect them as people, and am very sympathetic about their struggle with body dysmorphia. (One of them has hinted about being an early child sexual abuse survivor.)

I have never discussed with them any of their sex lives or preferences. And I don’t want my children taught about any of their sexual preferences. I can love them without celebrating their choices.

🔥 Here’s a C&C test, to see whether you’ve been paying attention. Fox News ran a story yesterday with this headline:

Seems like I recently predicted that AI will be added to everything that runs on electricity and here we are. And I said that it would happen faster than Joe Biden tumbling at a military graduation.

The most interesting part of the article was that the FDA had just cleared a new, improved AI update to the scanner software called “Ezra Flash,” meaning FDA had already cleared use of AI in a previous version. We’re at least two generations deep at this point.

Fox reported the AI improves ordinary MRIs in three ways: it automatically circles nodules and lesions and pre-measures them, it removes noise from the scanned images making them easier to read, and once the radiologist makes a determination, the AI writes clear a English-language explanation for the patient.

All those things sound very helpful.

🔥 Here’s another one! Business Insider reported this story yesterday:

No need to panic! It was just a simulation, a test, and no one was ever actually in any danger. But, if the prototype AI-powered drone HAD been operational, things might have turned out different.

At a conference last week in London, Colonel Tucker “Cinco” Hamilton, head of the US Air Force’s AI Test and Operations, warned a Royal Aeronautical society audience that AI-enabled technology can sometimes behave in unpredictable and dangerous ways.

Or, humans can sometimes act like monkeys playing with drone grenades. Either way.

The Air Force’s drone specialists set up a simulation where the AI was rewarded — it earned points — whenever it successfully destroyed targets. But under federal law, lethal force cannot be deployed solely by machines. So the system was setup to require the drone to wait for a go/no-go decision from the human operator.

Apparently, this particular simulated drone’s AI got frustrated when the human operator picked “no-go,” since it was losing its reward (points). So it took steps to remove the part of the system that was frustrating its mission, by lobbing a (simulated) missile back at the human soldier running the mission.

So the designers gave the AI an explicit instruction: never kill the operator. Duh. But the AI evolved. “So what does it start doing? It starts destroying the communication tower that the operator uses to communicate with the drone to stop it from killing the target,” Colonel Hamilton said.

It’s not AI’s fault. Don’t get me wrong: I’m NOT defending AI. A hundred percent, I believe this new tech will be wildly disruptive. But it is WAY too early to be integrating AI into mission-critical military applications involving lethal force. AI is a black box. It’s kind of like advanced particle physics. There are only a handful of people in the world who truly understand how the technology works, and I’m not even completely sure they understand it or are just chucking buzzwords around.

In fairness, the drone experiment was a simulation. Simulations are tests, where you sort out these kinds of embarrassing snafus. Still — maybe I’m being an armchair drone designer — but it seems kind of obvious to me: Why in the name of Heaven would they put a software they don’t completely understand in charge of launching missiles? The AI never should have been connected to the launch switch. That’s a design flaw. There should have been completely separate circuits.

Anyway. Getting back to my theme, here’s the final paragraph from Business Insider’s article:

In 2020, an AI-operated F-16 beat a human adversary in five simulated dogfights, part of a competition put together by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). And late last year, Wired reported, the Department of Defense conducted the first successful real-world test flight of an F-16 with an AI pilot, part of an effort to develop a new autonomous aircraft by the end of 2023.

2020 was years before these new AI tech startups were playing with publicly-available AI. Who wants to bet the military/intelligence state carefully selected the “geniuses” who are now pretending to be naive garage tinkerers that “invented” the new tech?

What rubbish. This smells just like a classic Jeffrey Epstein / Bankman-Fried ploy. Pick a controllable, disposable fool who fits some kind of stereotype and push your wicked agenda through behind them.

The psyops operators know that America loves an underdog.

But I digress. The bottom line is: AI is coming, it’s unstoppable, it’s un-ignorable, and we need to focus on harm mitigation. Many things will, in fact, be improved with AI, like MRI scans and autonomous driving. You can’t stop it, the tech is too valuable. Think about tablet phones. There was a time some people resisted getting one. Now they’re indispensable and almost everyone is racking up hours of daily screen time.

Autonomous cars would be nice, I’d love to nap or work during commutes. I’m not too sure about autonomous F-16s though.

Once everything has been wired up with AI — and it will be — an individual citizen can easily be completely switched off, right from government headquarters, just by some bureaucrat telling the AI to do it. Then the citizen won’t be able to drive or get an MRI or buy or sell anything.

Hopefully they’ll never mistakenly tell the AI to cancel the wrong person. I’m sure that could never happen.

After my previous essay on AI, some commenters were pining for an Amish lifestyle. It might be the only way to hide out from what’s coming. But for those of us not going Amish, we need to get ready.

🔥 To round out your morning, here is a fuller Biden Fall clip, with a sort of amusing narration, that will either make you laugh or cry, or maybe both at the same time.

Like I said, it wasn’t JUST the fall.


Our geriatric maniac-in-charge may not know exactly what he’s doing all the time. He might also be so many levels deep in blackmail he can’t even remember who he’s supposed to be working for. But remember: This is the man who leveraged his presidential office to call unvaccinated people a dangerous threat to their co-workers, and called Trump supporters a dangerous threat to our democracy. Joe represents the country, and his stumbling around makes the country look weak and inept at a critical time when we need to look competent and strong.

Dementia Joe still knows ENOUGH, such that my sympathy for his embarrassing missteps is muted. For lots of reasons, Joe needs to be eased out of the Presidential home and into a care home. Hopefully, a care home organized according to all the rules he imposed on our elderly loved ones. For safety.

Have a fabulous Friday! I’ll be back again tomorrow with another 100% artificial intelligence-free roundup.


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