C&C. White Wine (oh, yes!) Dems Helping Trump!? AI Democrat … the best.

June 4 | Posted by mrossol | American Thought, Childers, Democrat Party, Liberal Press, The Left

Make it to the end: the AI generated Dem and Rep protester pics are classic (if AI can be classic…). mrossol

Source: WHITE WINE ☙ Sunday, June 4, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS


🔥 It might be the greatest political coup in history. I’ve hypothesized that, shortly before Biden declared he would run again, he — or whoever is pulling the strings — decided they’d prefer to run against Trump. So of course, the media immediately pivoted from trying to bury Trump, to helping him win the Republican nomination.

In other words, they’re doing it again! In 2016, captured corporate media and scheming democrats did whatever they could to help long-shot nominee Trump during the Republican presidential nominations; democrats even voted for Trump in open primaries and every other way they could:


But elevating Trump against the other potential Republican contenders ultimately boomeranged to kill Hilary’s run (thank goodness). Now it looks like they’re about to do the EXACT SAME THING.

Here’s the data confirming the theory. Don’t get caught up in the fact it was the DeSantis team who made the clip. The quote that set the theme was: “If Donald Trump becomes president again, he will be less dangerous than Ron DeSantis.”



This is not the media backhandedly praising DeSantis by calling him smarter and more effective than Trump. It’s not even so much that the liberal media is pounding DeSantis as a threat to our democracy. The significance is that they are giving their deranged, anti-Trump liberal base a reason to SUPPORT TRUMP IN THE PRIMARY.

Are liberal MSNBC viewers so mentally soft that, just because a few talking heads said so, they would trade in their Trump Derangement Syndrome for DeSantis Derangement Syndrome, and start to see the good side of Trump? I’ll leave answering that question as an exercise for the reader.

The media’s pivot is breathtaking. 2023 is the year that continues to give. I did not have “captured media supports Trump” on my bingo card. Somehow, Trump poked media’s TDS in just the right spot, creating a brain seizure that reset them to the 2016 strategy, like bumping into an old-fashioned record player. It’s replaying the last song again.

As Hilary did in 2016, Biden in 2024 has decided he wants TRUMP. Here’s a Politico headline from 2016’s race:


Trump will benefit from captured media’s boostering until the day after the primaries, as well as from stealthy Biden campaign assistance, and even sneaky deep state support. For example, the FBI will wait until AFTER the primaries to indict Trump on the classified files scam or whatever. The democrats’ goal would be to somehow legally disqualify Trump, after the nomination, leaving the Republicans without any candidate.

Then Biden, unopposed, could skate to victory.

It’s not at all clear it will happen, that Trump COULD be legally disqualified. But it is starting to look like that insane strategy might be the deranged democrats’ optimal campaign strategy, the only way that they could successfully elect the first Alzheimer’s patient as President of the United States — through a trumped-up (literally), third-world, banana republic style, good old political witch hunt.

To win, Trump will have to beat the democrats’ manufactured rap. But knowing Trump, the risk-seeking master marketer might even be planning to benefit from both features by turning the tables: he could use democrat’s terror of Ron DeSantis to help win the Republican nomination, then he could use the subsequent legal persecutions as his campaign platform, and the way to dominate the news cycle. He could flip the script and become a martyr.

It would be a high-risk, winner-takes-all strategy.

Thus, pro-Trump Republicans need not attack DeSantis. The Governor’s campaign is a gift to Trump, not a threat. The better DeSantis does, the more captured media will boost Trump. DeSantis’ campaign is arguably the best thing that ever happened to the Trump campaign. I can’t imagine what else, on or off the planet, that could have possibly have caused the entire liberal media — plus the Biden Administration and the deep state — to pivot and push Trump as the Republican nominee.

Trump probably deserves credit. From early on, he singled out DeSantis and acted like he, Trump, was fretting about the Florida’s Governor’s chances. This outcome might have been accidental, but Trump is cunning, and can anyone doubt he remembers perfectly how the nomination was won last time? He lived and breathed it.

Anyway, the bottom line is, Trump supporters can also support DeSantis without guilt. The stronger DeSantis looks, the more woke leftists will rally behind Donald Trump.

As Mark Twain artfully quipped, “History does not repeat itself, but it often rhymes.”

🔥 Last week, the Daily Mail UK ran a story headlined, “EXCLUSIVE: The Jeffrey Epstein Files: Trove of never-before-seen emails and calendars gives unprecedented insight into late pedophile’s network of power and influence that includes Chris Rock, Peter Thiel, and Richard Branson.”

Last month, the Wall Street Journal ran an exclusive series, also featuring new, never before seen Epstein documents, which the Journal claimed to have just received but, as I’ve noted before, the Journal has never said where the documents came from.

It’s quite odd.

And like the Wall Street Journal, here’s how the Daily Mail — using the sneaky passive voice — described its receipt of Epstein documents, avoiding the pesky issue of where they’d come from:

A vast trove of Jeffrey Epstein’s private calendars and emails are being revealed today by DailyMail.com.

Who is leaking these highly-personal Epstein documents to friendly newspapers? Could they be the fruits of discovery, anonymously emerging from the shadows of the Epstein lawsuits in the Virgin Islands?

The Daily Mail article is a kind of roundup, spotlighting several different high net worth folks who had relationships with Epstein, each in their little own sections, including celebrity rich people like Prince Andrew, Peter Thiel, Richard Branson, and of course, nauseating human parasite Bill Gates.

There’s plenty to talk about, but one of the most interesting tidbits was the Russian connections with Bill Gates. The Wall Street Journal disclosed an alleged affair between Gates and a Russian bridge player, Mila Antonova. But the Daily Mail made the more interesting connection; Bill diddling young Russian bridge players behind his wife’s back surprised no one.

But the Daily Mail surfaced photos from around the same time as the affair, which show bridge prodigy and Bill Gates temptress Mila Antonova frolicking with notorious Russian sex spy Anna Chapman (maiden name Anna Vasil’yevna Kushchyenko).

The two gals were frolicking together right around the same time Antonova was spending quality pillow time with billionaire Gates. I wonder what topics the young ladies might have found interesting to chat about? Bill Gates has been involved in top U.S. and world government planning for a long time. I bet he knows LOTS of interesting things.


Is it just me, or is there a knowing look in the eyes?

I’m almost getting tired of saying this, but you really can’t make this stuff up. Was Chapman pumping the naive bridge player for intel on Gates? Was Antonova an agent for the SVR (the Russian CIA)?

The FBI arrested Chapman in June 2010 along with nine other Russian spies, and was subsequently traded to the Russians in a spy swap. For obvious reasons, Chapman’s special spy talents lay in seducing her marks.


So at best, Bill Gates’ Epstein-connected bridge paramour was good buddies with SVR honeypot Chapman. And that young, Russian-intel-connected bridge playerette was the very same one who Epstein would, years later, name-drop to Bill when trying to pry big money out of the billionaire.

The mind boggles.


🔥 The Daily Mail gave readers another fascinating glimpse inside the deplorable world of the high net worth community, in a series of emails between Jeffrey Epstein and JP Morgan’s top private banking chief Jes Staley, who later headed the top-shelf Barclays bank after leaving JP Morgan. (Staley was forced out of banking in 2021 after public disclosures of his connections with Epstein.)

The Daily Mail reported that on November 1st, 2009 — while Epstein was STILL IN PRISON (the first time) for statutory rape — and at the same time that Bill was “playing bridge” with young, intel-connected Russian ladies — Staley emailed Epstein, in jail, while Staley was relaxing on Epstein’s private Caribbean sex island.


High Net Worth Banker Jes Staley

From the tone of the email, Epstein was helping the banker out.

Staley wrote, “So when all hell breaks loose, and the world is crumbling, I will come here, and be at peace. Presently, I’m in the hot tub with a glass of white wine. This is an amazing place. Truly amazing. Next time, we’re here together. I owe you much. And I deeply appreciate our friendship. I have few so profound.”

Having a “profound” friendship with a monster like Jeffrey Epstein says a lot about a man.

The Daily Beast ran an article speculating that “white wine” was Staley’s code word for a young girl.

A few months later in December 2009, after Epstein had completed his one-year taxpayer-funded institutional vacation, Staley sent the blackmail king another email, this time ironically saying that, “I realize the danger in sending this email. But it was great to be able, today, to give you, in New York City, a long heartfelt, hug.”

Not just hugs. PROFOUND hugs. And the “danger” Staley was talking about was getting drummed out of polite society, which as it turned out was a real danger, but it didn’t catch up to him until 2021.

The next day, Epstein wrote to Staley: “You were with Larry, and I had to put up with . . .’ and attached a picture of a young woman, redacted in what the Daily Mail called a ‘court document.’

Staley responded: “Don’t tell me, a French wine.” Epstein replied: “Always thoughts of alcohol.”

A May, 2012, email from Epstein’s scheduler read “Reminder to have a bottle of the wine we have for Jes chilled and ready to go!” Another, from January, 2014, said, “Do you have any specific requests for your appointments with Rothschild which Jes may be joining. We will have Jes’ wine on hand.” Two more schedule entries in September and November 2014 ordered, “HAVE JES’S WHITE WINE AVAILABLE,” and “Jes Staley (MAKE SURE WE HAVE WHITE WINE).”

Hey, a WHITE wine fan won’t want to “drink” anything else.

The two men used other code words. In more emails, Epstein and Staley referred to names of Disney princesses, for instance in a message sent from July 2010. Staley told Epstein, “Maybe they’re tracking u? That was fun. Say hi to Snow White.” Epstein responded asking Staley, “What character would you like next?” Staley replied, “Beauty and the Beast,” and Epstein countered, “Well one side is available.”

Recent papers filed in the Virgin Islands lawsuit say that Epstein “emailed Staley photos of young women in seductive poses,” and claims that Staley’s JPMorgan email account included messages about “women who they referred to by the names of Disney princesses that Epstein procured for Staley,” as well as frank “discussions of sex with young women.”

These people, like Epstein, Jes Staley, Hunter Biden and Sniffy Joe, are the people running the world right now. They live in a complete moral vacuum. What’s most fascinating is these élites view themselves as hyper-educated and much more refined than we mundane ordinary folk; yet they spend much of their time and energy chasing the most unrefined, perverted, animalistic sorts of hedonistic impulses.

But, as John Stuart Mill sagely noted, “Hedonism is the philosophy of a swine, and not of a sage.”

🔥 Last week, the Hill ran an op-ed headlined “Durham Report: The FBI Is as Bad as You Feared, Maybe Worse.”

The article, which decried the institutional corruption at the FBI revealed in the Durham report, included this remarkable admission about the latest conspiracy truth:

Special Counsel John Durham has finally released his report looking at the origins of the Trump-Russian collusion hoax. If you believe there was, or is, a “deep state” of bureaucrats, Washington insiders and power brokers who operate outside the law and do pretty much whatever they want, in this case you were right. Chalk up one for the conspiracy theorists.

Chalk another one up for the conspiracy theorists! I think I’ll get that printed on a t-shirt.

🔥 This week, woke Amazon employees staged an all-day protest at the company’s headquarters, passionately objecting being required to go back into the office. They said it was a ‘human rights’ issue:



It’s an outrage! Work … in the office?! How dare they!

A reporter interviewed this masked “remote worker activist:”

REPORTER: I know there’s obviously folks watching this, outside of Amazon, who have to go into work, who say, this is totally an attitude of entitlement. How do you respond to that?

REMOTE WORK ACTIVIST: Oh my gosh, that’s such a good question. And I hear that a lot. But honestly, with all of the stories I’ve been getting from people in backchannel, all the personal anecdotes about people who are caregivers, people who have disabilities, people who WANT that work, like Harmony, that they did not have before the pandemic, when they were going into the office regularly. I would say: ‘that does not an entitled person make.’ Right? … If they could see the human side, I would ask them more to see the human side… how going into the office will just absolutely, fundamentally change their lives, and not for the better.

Aww, what priceless little snowflakes! Working AT WORK. The horror. You must watch the whole thing.

And, that mask was a dead giveaway.

🔥 They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and this short visual post sure said a LOT. Someone asked the AI to draw democrat protestors and Republican protestors. A couple seconds later, and it was obvious: The AI knows!


I don’t think I could possibly add anything to that. Thanks AI!

Have a blessed Sunday! I’ll see you back here tomorrow morning to jumpstart the new workweek.


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