C&C. Floating Foreign Policy. Amputees to the Barricades! Fetterman?! FL Leads Again.

May 26 | Posted by mrossol | Biden, Childers, Deep State, Democrat Party, Global Warming, Israel, Military, Stupidity, Ukraine

Supporter bonus! Floating pier crackup mimics foreign policy; Ukraine’s Python-esque recruits; Fla. fights off climate alarmists; unlikely city rejects weather mods; unexpected Fetterman news; more.

Source: RELATIVELY BENIGN ☙ Sunday, May 26, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS


🚀🚀 You couldn’t craft a better metaphor for Biden’s foreign policy than this Wall Street Journal story yesterday:


The hastily built “temporary dock” was fabulously expensive, took three times as long as forecast to build, and is now breaking apart at the first sign of rough weather. With an eye-watering $320 million price tag, one wonders how much a permanent dock or even an entire marina would have cost.

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Compare the cost of Biden’s $320 million Gaza Dock to the latest aid package rushed to Ukraine this week to rescue the war effort. Voice of America ran the story Friday headlined, “US announces $275M in new military aid for Ukraine.

In other words, one crappy dock cost more than the entire latest Ukraine war package.

The no-expense-spared floating pier was built by military engineers overseeing more than 1,000 U.S. soldiers and sailors [trans-dock workers, men identifying as women, and other diverse contributors, all of whom were inclusion.  mrossol]. This week, part of the pier’s support system “broke off” after “four boats stabilizing the $320 million structure detached” in a mildly rough sea.

“Detached” is a neat euphemism, like saying a Boeing’s emergency door made an “unscheduled departure” from the aircraft during takeoff.

At least two stabilizing boats (tugs?) later washed up on the beach. What will wash up next?

Even worse, the supposed beneficiaries don’t even want the damned thing. For some reason, Palestinians — for whom Biden swears the pier was built — don’t believe it’s really for humanitarian aid. They rightly point out how unimaginably cheaper and safer it is to simply drive aid into Palestine in trucks. They suspect the US’s high-tech floating pier was really built to deliver explosive aid — bombs — instead.

The military’s hyper-costly, crumbling “temporary pier” is just another harebrained scheme, hastily conceived and poorly executed, that nobody wanted and that we can’t afford. And that’s Biden’s foreign policy in a nutshell.

🚀🚀 Turning now to Eastern Europe, in trying to find a single story to capture the state of Biden’s Proxy War in Ukraine, I selected this psychotic Kiev Post headline, even though it’s nearly a month old:

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What more can I say about Zelensky ordering amputees back to the trenches? It’s 2024. The Proxy War is turning Monty Python into predictive programming — it is, after all, merely a flesh wound!:

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I was prompted to scrape up that psychotic Kiev Post article after reading a recent op-ed in Defense News, published Friday and headlined “Ukraine’s air defense woes can’t be fixed by American aid.

Not won’t be fixed by American aid. Can’t be fixed.

Analysts widely recognize that Ukraine’s biggest problem is air defense. The Russians own the skies and can blast away anywhere they like, whenever they want, all over Ukraine. In fact, Biden’s new $275 million aid package is packed with ordnance meant to alleviate that persistent problem. But it’s a fool’s errand, which is not surprising given who’s in charge.

The op-ed’s author explained the unforgiving mathematics:

Ukraine’s dire military situation cannot be remedied by a blank check, or as Zelenskyy recently requested, more Patriot batteries.
Ukraine’s vulnerability will worsen with time, and new Patriot systems are likely to become expensive liabilities if introduced. The Patriot system is designed to operate within a larger ecosystem of air defenses operating at higher and lower altitudes. On its lonesome, the Patriot is vulnerable to Russia’s increasingly sophisticated and low-altitude capable drones.
Just as Ukraine requested Abrams tanks and then recognized that they were not survivable on this battlefield, Patriot systems are no panacea for the extreme vulnerability Ukraine faces. Washington cannot change the outcome of this conflict with military aid, nor can it enter the conflict directly without risking nuclear war — an unacceptable prospect.

Not that risking nuclear war ever stopped guitar hero and Secretary of State Antony Blinken. The op-ed’s author ended his piece stating the previously unspeakable thing, what most independent military analysts have been saying for ages — it’s time for diplomacy, stupid!

Washington should leverage its diplomatic power to push for a ceasefire or at least initiate the groundwork for bringing Kyiv and Moscow to the negotiating table. The alternative to this is wishful thinking.
Ukraine today is likely in the best position it will ever be in for negotiations; every day erodes its relative strength and bargaining power. If Washington wants what’s best for Ukraine, it shouldn’t encourage its destruction.

If it weren’t for wishful thinking, there would be no thinking in Washington at all. Alas, it is harder to find any story reporting Biden calling for peace in Ukraine than it is to find a Democrat at a Biden campaign rally. But I did find this Bloomberg beauty from Thursday, though:

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Why even go? Compare and contrast the invisibility of Biden’s peace-mongering in Ukraine with his ceaseless efforts to birth a peace deal in the Middle East:

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Peace here, war there. Biden’s flip-flapping foreign policy resembles a Golden Corral around 4pm on a weekend. His foreign policy is like a bunch of addled seniors milling around the hot bar, scooping up a little creamed spinach here and a little roast beef there and quibbling over the corn nuggets.

Maybe it doesn’t even matter. Biden is failing to deliver peace in the Middle East just as badly as he is failing to help Ukraine win the Proxy War. The best you can say is that Joe Biden is succeeding at failing.

🔥🔥 This week, Florida fought back against the Climate Coalition with new laws and a series of related moves that will make it much more difficult to green Florida. An outraged Guardian ran the story Tuesday, headlined “TV meteorologist attacks Ron DeSantis over Florida’s ‘don’t say climate change’ law.” Haha, of course, the neo-marxists complained about the language: “the government of Florida is beginning to roll back really important climate-change legislation and really important climate-change language.”

Here’s the Governor’s usual recap bulletin, issued this week:

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Under the new laws, Florida’s state government need no longer: consider “climate change” when crafting energy policy, use climate-friendly products, or buy fuel-efficient vehicles. The laws banned offshore wind turbines and repealed state grant programs for “energy conservation” and “renewable energy.” It outlawed municipalities from restricting the types of fuel that citizens can use in our appliances, like natural gas stoves.

Once again — just like during the pandemic! — loopy leftwing opponents screeched maniacally that DeSantis is literally killing people. Brooke Alexander-Goss, a hyphenated Sierra Club official, said that Mr. DeSantis had “failed” Floridians by signing the bill, because “Allowing this bill to become law jeopardizes the health and safety of all Floridians, and we will certainly see increases in climate-related disasters and deaths.”

My goodness. That sounds bad, maybe as bad as the Governor’s idea to re-open the beaches. The bills also cracked down on Chinese influence in Florida, although nobody seems too bothered about those rules, what with Biden’s new anti-China crusade.

🔥🔥 Even people outside Florida, in the most unlikely spots, might be finally starting to get the idea about so-called climate science. Two weeks ago, the New York Times ran a startling headline about San Fransisco officials shutting down a secretive weather modification experiment:

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The City Council plans to meet on June 4th to further discuss the study, a local official told the Times. “They could decide it doesn’t pose any risk, and they could allow it to move forward,” she said. Or they might not. But the fact they stopped the experiment in the first place shows they distrust the climate scientists, who of course claimed misting nanoscale chemical salts into the San Fransisco skies to blot out the Sun was totally harmless.

Despite paragraph after paragraph describing the experimental cloud-brightening technology as simple and “relatively benign” — relatively??compared to what? — the Times included this telling sentence, which gave away the whole weather modification game:

Cloud brightening could also alter precipitation patterns, reducing rainfall in one place while increasing it elsewhere.

Oh, now they tell us. I’m just guessing at this connection, but only two months ago, San Franciscans enjoyed historic flooding not seen in any living person’s lifetime until very recently. In February, the San Fransisco Chronicle ran a story headlined, “‘It’s pretty wild’: Intense California storm floods roadways, topples trees, cuts power.

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The salt-spraying scientists — what kind of ‘salt’? — claimed their safe and effective experiment was meant to reduce extreme weather like unnatural floods, freak waves, and rogue storms. But the locals were obviously skeptical.

In other words, climate alarmism is no longer the king of the hill, even in San Fransisco.

🔥🔥 I’ve previously and often made vaccine injury poster-boy John Fetterman the butt of many C&C jab jokes, so it is only fair that I now recognize his terrific work in an awful case, especially since corporate media is being so stingy with the credit. Local Pittsburgh WTAE ran a story Friday headlined, “Spared 12 years in a foreign prison, a Somerset County father reunites with his children.

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Bryan Hagerich’s dream Turks & Caicos vacation became a nightmare 101 days ago after nosy customs officials found a forgotten box of shotguns shells in his luggage, and charged him with a gun possession crime carrying a minimum 12-year prison sentence, and then tossed the hapless holidayer right in the Caribbean klink.

Vaccine injury survivor and Senator John Fetterman led the bipartisan effort to rescue our imprisoned citizens, including Bryan, who is one of Fetterman’s constituents. Fetterman flew to the Turks & Caicos with several other lawmakers last week, and secured the hapless citizens’ release with only a fine of $6,700, which Bryan was surely happy to pay.

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Fetterman has been rocking the political boat and causing rogue waves recently, such as by clashing with AOC, calling for border reform, supporting Israel, and attacking democrat bribe magnate Bob Menendez. Democrats aren’t supposed to think for themselves, after all, and Senator Fetterman least of all. But recent corporate media headlines about Senator Fetterman express bemusement, if not downright disgust, at the disabled Senator’s rightward migration. A few examples follow. From the Wall Street Journal, two days ago:

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From the Hill, one week ago:

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From Philadelphia Magazine, three weeks ago:

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One month ago, from the independent Intercept:

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And finally, from Politico, in December:

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I would argue the state of befuddlement is the usual residence of Fetterman’s typical allies on the left. Anyway, Fetterman’s rescue of a US civilian facing a foreign gun violation was exactly the kind of non-partisan help we used to expect from public officials. Fetterman doesn’t seem to care that democrats don’t like it.

And, if you were forced at shotgun-point to pick a democrat Senator that would, in this politically fractious year, begin experiencing a conservative awakening, I highly doubt John Fetterman would ever have made the list. Yet here we are.

So, add a few more squares to your 2024 bingo card and leave them blank for now. Who knows what great development will come next?

Thank you, sincerely, for your continued loyal support. Have a blessed Sunday, and a marvelous and respectful Memorial Day, and I’ll see you next week to pick up the essential threads with more Coffee & Covid.



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