Author Archive

Kay Hagan’s Bad Math

October 21 | Posted by mrossol | Party Politics, The Left

Hey, when you’re trying hard to help people who can’t help themselves, you can’t get bogged down in the numbers. ================== Liberals often struggle at math, notably when describing government funding. A case in point is North Carolina, where Democratic Sen. Kay Hagan is bludgeoning Republican opponent Thom Tillis with a bogus set of education-funding numbers. Ms. Hagan and her allies are blanketing... Read more

Yes, Obama and his Minions Think We are Stupid.

October 21 | Posted by mrossol | Big Govt, Ebola, Noonan, Obama, The Left

They’re smart people. So if a 11 year olds know the answer, so do they. Only they don’t care. =============== The administration’s handling of the Ebola crisis continues to be marked by double talk, runaround and gobbledygook. And its logic is worse than its language. In many of its actions, especially its public pronouncements, the government is functioning not as a soother... Read more

The Ebola Democrats

October 9 | Posted by mrossol | Big Govt, Democrat Party, Party Politics

Who needs facts or all the numbers? =============== Frantic to hold the Senate, Democrats are now claiming Republicans are pro-Ebola—really. Anything is better than having to defend White House competence or even the adequacy of the public-health response, though this election debate would benefit from a fact or two. Here’s a heavy-rotation TV spot from Arkansas incumbent Mark Pryor against his GOP opponent:... Read more

Obama on Faulty Intelligence

September 30 | Posted by mrossol | ISIS, Obama

“Its not my fault! I didn’t lie, either.” ================= President Obama rode to the White House in part by assailing George W. Bush for believing faulty intelligence about Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction. So there is no small irony in his claim now that America’s spooks missed the rise of the Islamic State. The difference is that U.S. intelligence did... Read more

How is it NOT Islam?

September 29 | Posted by mrossol | Obama, Politically correct, Radical Islam, The Left

Not sure how many more terrorist acts we need to see on US soil before people wake up. ========== How do you tie together all of the major terrorist events on American soil since 9/11? Simple: you study the woven web behind the Moore, Oklahoma, beheader Alton Nolen. He converted to Islam in prison and sat under the influence of Imam Suhaib Webb.... Read more

What Obama Knows

September 23 | Posted by mrossol | Obama

Said pretty well… —– Serious people feel an obligation to listen whenever Barack Obama speaks. They furrow their brow and hold their chin and parse every word. They assume that most everything a president says is significant, which is true. They assume that what’s significant must also be well-informed. Not necessarily. I’ve been thinking about this as it becomes clear that, even at... Read more

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